[h2] Name [/h2] Kauko [h2] Age [/h2] 16 years old. [h2] Gender [/h2] Male [h2] Orientation[/h2] Heterosexual [h2]Appearance[/h2] [hider=Visual Appearance] [img]https://gs1.wac.edgecastcdn.net/8019B6/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_mczye6addz1qk9c78o1_1280.png[/img] [/hider] Standing at a modest height for his age and gender of 168 centimeters, Kauko is a slim, modestly formed specimen of a teenage boy, lacking much muscle but at the same time, not being too fat either. Possessing little body hair despite his age, though, Kauko has a rather innocent, almost childish look to him, causing many to assume him much younger than his actual age, to his complete and utter apparent indifference. The only real contrast to his particularly juvenile appearance are his hands, well-built and strong, with a good grip, while being quite contrastingly nimble. His typical posture isn't excellent, however, despite his build, usually slumping over somewhat, though not out of fragility or laziness, but instead out of being a bit too zoned out at times, when he holds a serious, cold expression. He has a rather feminine hair length, his light brown hair descending in light, soft but smooth bangs onto his face, covering his ears and descending past his neck in certain positions and postures. In particular, it has an unfortunate habit of falling in front of his eye, even below his glasses, though the teen doesn't seem to mind much, his monocular depth perception being deceptively good for his pitiful eyesight. On the subject of his eyes, he has very light hazel eyes, with typically small pupils. He usually has a rather cold stare, blinking less than most other people do and his long eyelashes giving him a somewhat feminine look, to the point of some wondering if he wears makeup. His skin is atypically pale, though fortunately not especially vampiric and we return to his childish, even feminine appearance in the very smoothness of his skin, soft, smooth and especially warm. In effect, a grand contrast is found in Kauko's appearance as many parts of his physique give off a cold impression, whereas, at the same time, warmth can be found in his skin, this idea reinforced by his typical attire of a sweater with, usually, a dress shirt underneath along with warm corduroy pants, never jeans or khakis... [h2]Personality[/h2] [h3] Kauko [/h3] It was once said that Kauko is a person as cute as he is irreproachable... or was it inapproachable? Nevertheless, much in the same line as his appearance, Kauko has the outward appearance of a cold, calculating and uncaring person, even being considered emotionless at times. However, in reality, this particular facet of the impression he gives others from his actions is, in reality, not due to him being indifferent to those around him, but instead a difficulty in expressing his true emotions, stemming from his condition. In reality, Kauko feels a whole range of emotions, especially a true kindness within him and a caring for others, an affection for those dear to him and a desire to protect and fight against those who threaten his close kin and cherished friends. Indeed, due to his near inability to do so much as smile when he is happy, Kauko has a deep appreciation for those who give him their friendship and philia, wanting to guard and keep their trust for as long as he possibly can, subconsciously considering it the greatest of gifts he could ever receive. Even in his very personality, the contrast observed in his appearance of a cold visual aspect and his warm internal representation by the feeling of his very skin, Kauko may, as mentioned before, seem cold and especially apathetic by his actions, but his feelings are of genuine admiration for any love given to him by others. His cold actions are unfortunately, despite his greater intentions, accentuated by a monotone way to speak, once again due to his condition. His greatest desire and objective is to one day be able to show his caring for the well-being of others and overcome his difficulties of expression, but there is no doubt that he has a long way to go and many, [i]many[/i] challenges to overcome in the future. In regards to the violence he must face, a deep horror stirs in a part of him, but due to an opinion etched within him that he must do anything to protect those at his side, friends or allies, his state of spirit when it comes to causing pain and even death upon others is one of acceptance, not taking joy nor finding despise of himself in the consequences of his acts. [h2]Likes[/h2] 1. Friendship and affection. 2. Thinking. 3. Environmental observations. 4. His glasses. 5. Puzzles. 6. Stacking stones. 7. Reading. 8. Problematic situations. 9. Solving problematic situations. 10. Maths. 11. Long walks. 12. Sweet foods. 13. Helping others. [h2]Dislikes[/h2] 1. Speaking. 2. Smiling. 3. Crying. 4. Loud noises. 5. Violence. 6. Sour foods. 7. Salty foods. 8. People knocking over his stacked stones. 9. Impossible situations. 10. Blood. 11. Sharp objects directed at him. 12. Falling. 13. General stupidity and disrespect. [h2] Allergies, phobias and medical conditions[/h2] High-functioning autism or Asperger syndrome. Bad eyesight, abnormally good monocular depth perception. [h2]Themesong[/h2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsJ_-o4sNYY [h2]Fighting Type[/h2] Coming soon...