Adelisa cried out in pain for the things she lost, tempted to go into the fire and grab her things. She remained outside, but heard a faint ringing. She looked around and saw it: a pay phone ringing. She walked over to it and picked it up, hesitantly answering it and putting it to her ear. "Why hello, my little pet." Her eyes widened in fear, but her anger replaced it. "You're not going to defeat them. When they find out, they'll destroy you." He scoffed. "When I find you, I'll have to punish you for underestimating me. I've killed multiple families off at the same time. I have done things, little girl, that you cannot even imagine. Now, if you come home, I'll give them back their precious little member. Of course, she's beaten up pretty badly. You'll have to heal her. She doesn't have that much time left and I know you wouldn't want a dead girl on your concience." Adelisa went stiff. She was silent for a moment before saying "why should I care about a girl I do not know? A girl that would probably tell her family where I was and then kill me when they got the chance. I am a rogue, Theo. Not a Blod or a Blackmoore or a Kingston. No one cares about a rogue. Not even one that's there to help them kill you." Theo hissed and said in a loud voice "you little brat! I gave you this life! I could've let you die in that alley, but I saved you! And this is how you repay me?!" Adelisa whimpered softly, her mind setting into the fear of this man again. She replied defeatedly "I'm sorry master." She could almost hear the smirk on his lips. "Good girl. Now, come back to me. You'll know where I am from my disguised scent that's only for you." She gritted her teeth, but her mind went else where. She could tell them where he is. They could attack and kill him. She sighed and said "okay." He chuckled and said "and don't even think about telling those families. We'll kill the girl on the spot if they even set foot near where I am." She rolled her eyes at that. The girl was much too valuable to the family for him to kill her on spot. He needed the girl and she knew that. "Do not worry" was all she said, though it was an easy lie, before hanging up. She knew she had to find the family heads fast. If they were to know where the girl was, they could help. She went back to the docks only to see the family head left. She followed his scent slowly toward a bar. Her usual anxiety set in. [i]A bar- a tavern- an alley- men- a group of men- knives- murder- Theo[/i] everything washed over her at once and she tried shaking it off. No sense in losing her senses just yet. She walked into the bar and the acohol wafted through her nose, such a strong scent. She looked around for the head of the family, but couldn't find him. Eyes watched her and she knew why: she was dirty, grubby and new. New faces were easy to identify and that was what thickened the atmosphere. She kept looking for the Blackmoore man, wondering why his scent led her here. [center]~~~[/center] Theo grinned animalistically after hanging up the phone. He starred down at the girl his men captured and smirked. "Though you are no Adelisa, you are pretty." He knelt down face to bloody face "but you are not what I want. Just get used to these conditions for a long time. Adelisa did and she was fine." His mind reeled with his slave girl after hearing her on the phone. She was his, he turned her and kept her. He took care of her. He looked back at the girl and smirked, saying "you'll be the reason she comes back, so I should thank you; but you probably don't understand a word I'm saying from all the blood loss... oh well." With that, he walked out of the dirty, crimson covered room. He looked at the guards manning the door and said "do not go in there. Only I am to enter and exit unless I give them permission to do so." The guards nodded and Theo walked down the hall to another room where his men sat. "Good first night, you made your presence known, you found out just how powerful these houses are, you found my wife, you burned her runaway house down, and you captured a pawn. Now, get ready for them. I sent my wife, unknowingly, to talk to the heads. They'll most likely be here within twenty four hours. Prepare yourselves." He smirked. "This will be a bloody battle."