[h2] Name [/h2] Lucien Vuković [h2] Nickname(s)[/h2] Lucy, much to his intense internal dislike. [h2] Age [/h2] Eighteen… or so he says. [h2] Gender: [/h2] Male. [h2] Orientation: [/h2] A true mystery. [h2] Appearance [/h2] [hider=Visual Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/3c62it0.png[/img][/hider] At first glance, Lucien doesn’t strike you as a very unique individual and is definitely someone you wouldn’t look twice at in a crowd. However, upon closer inspection, his smooth features are curiously distinctive, so much so that his ethnicity isn’t all that clear. His average-toned light skin hints towards a European descent but that’s all there is to it, with long burgundy hair serving to further confuse the onlooker. He keeps it in a long braid down his back, with the rest cut short to frame his face. Along with his rather angular features, Lucien sports a pair of light grey eyes, pale to the point of being creepy in the right light. Though they’re occasionally overshadowed by his bangs, they allow him to pull off a killer flirtatious look. There’s not much that Lucien doesn’t wear; he doesn’t discriminate in what he wears, and his lean 183 cm form certainly doesn’t hinder him from wearing all sorts of clothing. He goes with the flow and occasion, showing up in a tuxedo to a fancy dinner to casual sweats and a T-shirt to jeans. The only thing he draws a line at is “gangsta”-type clothes, with saggy pants and thug-like clothing, as he finds those distasteful. Needless to say, he’s not into feminine clothing either. However, one thing you’ll always find on him during the winter is a coat. During his time in Japan, Lucien got himself tattooed and pierced. An oriental dragon spans across his left arm, curls over his shoulder and ends at his chest, colored a deep black with occasional red accents. However, due to his preference for long-sleeved clothing, that tattoo has only ever been seen by himself. [h2] Personality [/h2] Lucien is an… interesting person, to say the least. Harboring a personality that’d make a master manipulator cringe, he’s someone you wouldn’t want to pick a fight with. He’s the owner of a sharp, barbed tongue that can spew vile insults at a moment’s notice; however, ironically, his temper isn’t too explosive for that. Instead, he bides his time, offering his victim a Cheshire grin before going back to normal. Even so, his “normal” isn’t entirely so, by a regular person’s standards. Lucien is a flashy, extroverted sort, starved for conversation and fun; his playful nature lets him flirt and interact easily with most. Though he can be a downright menace and a hassle to deal with, he’s very approachable and can even be considered friendly. What he shows people changes according to [i]who[/i] he’s talking to; skilled at reading people the longer he interacts with them, Lucien adapts to his environment much like a cold-blooded reptile. And a reptile [i]is[/i] a good way to describe him, for his inner nature is nothing short of sneaky and cunning. While his friendly interactions and harmless fun are genuine, he has a certain nasty side of him that tends to get in the way of lasting friendships. Petty jealousy and being unable to settle for one person or thing is the reason why he’s never had a close friend. In a nutshell, Lucien changes personas like underwear. There’s rarely a drastic difference between them but he switches between them so fast that it disorients him sometimes. He takes life head-on and rarely plans ahead, using his remarkable intuition to cruise by with minimal problems. Well, most of the time. Being a natural tease and a bit of a professional troll, it makes up for his manipulative tendencies. Though a possessing a very relaxed disposition, to the point of not caring about much at all, Lucien has a pretty scary, vengeful side. He never forgets. [h2] A few likes in general [/h2] 1. Coats. 2. Snakes. 3. Extroverted, talkative and fun people. 4. Cats. [h2] A few dislikes in general [/h2] 1. Boredom. 2. Cookies and biscuits. 3. Ignorance. 4. Commitment. [h2] Allergies, phobias and medical conditions [/h2] Severely allergic to cats and peanuts, though he’ll add “idiots” to that list too. Has occasional heart problems that forces him to take medication once in a while and, due to that, has to take a certain kind of pill every 3 days. In terms of phobias, he has a heart of steel. Unless it’s a big, hairy tarantula, there’s probably nothing that can get him to scream. Yet. [h2] Themesong [/h2] Oblivion apologises, she's in a dilemma. Coming soon. [h2] Fighting Type [/h2] Prefers to use words but you’ll see.