It was as loud as a bang could get, as the next one rumbled throughout the station. Ellie moved up, going through where she had been just an hour ago, drifting quietly and calmly. She moved up, looking behind to Neil, before the noise of that bang then echoed even louder, from the bar that she held onto. It felt like then, it occured. Engineering split into two, and Ellie could barely wrap her hand around a bar, grabbing Neil with her left, as she threw him upwards, as the whole structure below almost completely caved in. The door had perhaps been the last strongpoint- now, it had fallen apart. And it was the sudden horror of realizing where Viktor and Jeremiah were. Ellie was speechless. They were down there, in the furthest end of the station, just to the left of their airlock. The force had been explosive, and even with King's thruster pack, they'd die. She exhaled hard, aware that they were now outside, as Ellie looked to King, thrusting upwards into the Engineering area, or at least, what was left of it. She threw herself past a small door, and felt Neil go past, sealing it semi-shut to at least keep whatever integrity was left. The whole structure felt like it was falling apart, and Ellie knew they had lost any hope of finding the bulk of material in Engineering that was left. She drifted past a pair of claw arms, for repairs, and quickly stabilized herself out, moving slow, breathing slowly as she was almost totally speechless. She couldn't say anything, she knew that Dylatov and King, were as good as dead now. She had a dying oxygen supply. Soon, Stienhauser and Makoto would be alone. And Ellie felt sick from it, the knot in her stomach tightened. "Fuck..." She said, looking to Neil, grabbing his hand, aware he was close, feeling cold and warm inside as she clambered past a smashed arm. "They're going to die...that was a decompression of whatever was left, it's going to be thrown out of orbit. No thruster can save you from that." She said, moving slowly, as she reached up, moving to a cabinet, opening it up to it's empty sight. She then moved through, almost exited in a way, as she moved through the next module, quickly taking off a cover marked "Emergency". Then she was shocked to see what she saw. Where the escape pod was, there was an enormous crack, almost the size of a hand's width, by the side of the escape pod, the black ball shattered. "No way...bollocks!" She yelled, looking at it, almost feeling like she could kick it, but it wouldn't achieve little. She exhaled, knowing she had to hold herself together. "We need to get out of Engineering...that was a two man pod, we need to get to where Makoto is. I'm thinking if we salvage what supply he has, and we try and get into Medical, that seems fairly intact. But we'll need to cross Habitation. It's going to be risky." She said, looking back to him, breathing a little harder from her anger towards it, sweat pouring down her right now. This was death, this was going to be the way she died, and no matter how drilled she was, that was going to remain a fact. "Makoto, this is Tavistock...we've lost two of our men, Engineering is falling to pieces. We're going to try going through Habitation toward Medical, the last thing I can think of is that Logistics has something left in terms of escape pods, but there's no way in hell that we're going to survive long if we go direct." She said, looking down to Neil, as they approached a completely blown out section, held by barely a few metal linkages. "Okay...Neil, I need you to spool out your rope to me, and try and cross. We cross this and the linkages break, I don't want to waste fuel on boosting away, so only one of us should need to. I'm at about half levels right now." She said, aware that the vertigo was scary- they were facing towards the darkness of the stars, Engineering pointing away from the Earth. It was strange, but somehow, Ellie knew that that things were not normal now. Things didn't have their momentum stopped, they kept going, and in this case, it was just knowing that they needed security.