Sera was huddled on one of the walkways of the ship, her leather bound book lay open beside her and her veil was at her side, allowing her hair to hang free from its restraint. She watched with interest as the ships doctor loaded on a crate of his own, it seemed like a strenuous job. It was all so surreal to Sera, sure she lived on the outer planets all her life but she had never travelled around for anything other than her religious duties, being on this boat was like being in an entirely different world. The man who wanted to buy passage or instance was too well dressed for your common planet hopper. He seemed fresh from the core as fe as Sera was concerned. A year out here at most from the get up, what did he need a shipping so badly that he'd use this sort of boat for it? The captain and doctor acted if this was normal enough so Sera didn't auras action it, electing instead to return to her scriptures. They were typical in most places, the divines were omnipotent and the like, creating human kind and the entirety of the 'verse. It was pretty clear on most of the sin front as well, no stealing, no outright murder (although as far as Sera could figure out justified self defence was a perfectly fine), rape and adultery were big no-no's too. The scripture weren't incredibly lengthy but they were difficult to memorise, even for a high priestess like herself. She pretended to skim through them, but in reality it was a facade to observe the ships crew closer.