Maxwell had heard that someone at the school had gone missing a little while back. He had thought little of it at the time, having just been released from the hospital. Now he found himself wondering if it was related in any way to what had happened to him. Then again if what Kanoa was saying was legitimate then it seemed to be unlikely. Maxwell had stepped off of a bridge in broad day light. There had been no attempt to make him disappear, plenty of people would have seen him die. But this kid had disappeared without a trace. [b]“Shit,”[/b] he said aloud without meaning to. He could just walk away now and forget about all of this. He could have but that was not the way the world worked. At least not for him. Not any more. Hearing about this kid brought back memories of his parents worried faces when they had thought that he had tried to kill himself. No parent deserved that. Even if this kid was dead they deserved to know. Right? [b]“I'll help,”[/b] he said to Kanoa, making sure that he made eye contact with her so that she would know that he was sincere, though in the end he just looked as though he was glaring at her. Aware of this he looked away and instead stared away to the side, his eyes narrowed thoughtfully.