[quote=@Kafka Komedy] Wait, I just realized, what's the point of a dedicated "Armory" class if we can only upgrade our weapons if we win the bonus challenges? What will our characters be doing all period? And what about people who don't take Armory class? What will the excuse be when their weapons are upgraded? All I can think of is "They're a real tinkerer and found the time and resources necessary to do this solo." But that seems like a stretch for most characters. [/quote] At the end of the day, Armoury is still a class with a dedicated teacher and unfortunately, not every student that signed up for Armoury can make tanks which means that things will have to be taught assuming that the students only have a basic knowledge on engineering and designing. I do know what you mean though so maybe if we have some form of afterschool class where you can spend points to upgrade weapons?