[center][img]http://i1082.photobucket.com/albums/j362/LillianThorne/Looking.png[/img][/center] First of all, thank you for taking a moment to peruse at my humble interest check. For the first time in five years I am without a story here at RPG, shocking, no? Life/school and other RPs have finally settled enough that I can put our feelers for a new story here, where my RP heart is. I must confess that this is my first ever 1x1 interest Check. I’ve answered quite a few over the years and made a few group ones, but never a 1x1 check. I’ve had some delightful tales result from answering other people’s interest checks and thus have dodged making my own, so bear with me if I give too much or too little information. I have no plots as of this time, largely because I like to work that out with my partner. What I typically like to do is to find someone who may mesh with me in regards to taste/posting style/speed and then hash things out plot-wise. So I’ll list a few things I like and no doubt, ramble about my expectations and hopes. I am female and I prefer to play females as my mains. I do use side characters and will move the world/plot as needed. But I prefer to have a main character as my focus. I am by no means a passive partner. I am a sucker for romance, but I don’t ever force it. I prefer my partners to be adults as I am one. As genres I like most. I adore fantasy (preferring low to high) and Modern fantasy or modern with supernatural is just scrumptious. I do horror and adventure and I am fond of various historical settings as long as painful attention to detail is not the rule. I like getting the ambiance right, not the picky details. I avoid Anime and Anime inspired RPs. They don’t suit me and the ones I’ve been dragged into (“Oh you don’t have to like the anime to get this”) were disasters. Sci-Fi makes me nervous, I get all worked up about the finer details and worry about getting it wrong. I have been in several that have been wonderful, but I got around it by playing luddites. That only works so many times. My RP sweet spot is around 300-700 words, give or take depending on what is happening in the RP. I am not a grammar nazi by any means and I understand that typos happen. In my posts I really like to play with thoughts and memories and impressions of the characters/scenes, but only as part. I try not to engage in outright fluff and my descriptions try to be poetic and pertinent without delving into purple prose. I try to always move the plot some. So expect a few paragraphs from me, all scaled to what is needed at the time. Heavy interaction will result in fewer words but scene setting will get more. I’ll say what everyone says, “Quality over Quantity”. I want a partner, meaning I don’t want to be moving all the plot and I don’t want to simply watch someone’s story unfold. I work, am in school full time and have a small bit of a life. But RPing is how I have my fun so you can count on me sticking around, even when busy. I’m fond of getting to know my partners at least enough to work out some lovely stories. I never press and pry. At this point I will probably post every 1-3 days sometimes faster, sometimes slower, it all depends. I do not do well when posts are 5 or more days apart on a regular basis, so if you are a very slow poster on a regular basis then I am not the partner for you. This seems like a enough rambling for now, if you made it this long, thank you. If you made it this long and think we might make beautiful story together drop me a line, either here or via PM. I am looking for ONE story at this point in time. So I will be looking for the best match, not first come first served. I look forward to writing with you.