Arms folded behind his back after slipping off his COMANDR (Communications Observations Managing And Navigations Drive Registry) glove while curiously watching Achieng make gestures which he didn't understand. Politely, though, he refrained from commenting since he assumed she was in fact [i]not[/i] a chimera. This was confirmed by her behavior, being unlike usual people that he had observed. "Ah, I vould be sure to inspect zeh apparatus at a time before vee jump. I am curious how it iz designed in the event of slipspace transit" Kaite went on in a more friendly tone as he took off the eyepatch, replacing it with his standard work glasses. In all honesty, he saw nothing wrong with his request to see her 'bed' at some point, a concept which in any other instance would come off...[i]noncontextual[/i]. "Now, about zeht tour! Ehm, Riblou, I thank you" Kaite chirped, his demeanor changing rapidly since the arrival of Achieng. His ears perked up from a buzz in his earbud from the captain. "Sir! All new arrivals have been checked in and registered. I'll make routes later to doublecheck authenticity, but for now we're green" he spoke into his wrist communicator, his tone cold and professional as he spoke to the captain.