[quote=@Mahz] Latest push: - Added back the glyph that indicates you've posted in a topic: [img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/spa/quq37nq1583x0lf/amzpkd71.png[/img] - Experimental: The Reply button removes nested quotes - You now receive a notification when someone rates your posts - Staff now have a button that forces a forum to reconsider its "latest post". Useful when we hide a spambot yet it still remains on the homepage. Clicking the button will make the forum find a new latest-post candidate that's not hidden. [/quote] And with the removed nested quotes, my last quibble with anything Guild-related has been resolved. Thank you, and hopefully once I'm completely finished with my repairs (I estimate Tuesday or so), I can begin to take a look at the Guildcode and start cracking.