[center][img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/Jafar.gif[/img][img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/Freya.jpg[/img][img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/Aurora.gif[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=Red]Jafar Sholeh[/color], [color=DarkOrchid]Freya Beauchamp[/color] and [color=Crimson]Aurora Rose[/color]- Present Day - The Moors Castle[/h1][/center] Aurora awoke the next morning to find herself still in the dress that Maleficent had put her in the night before and sat up. She walked over to her wardrobe as she slowly undid the back to let her take it off. She pulled one of the many gowns that Maleficent had supplied her with over the years. She supposed that dresses were hardly an issue when you could do magic and everyone in the realm feared you. She let the dress she wore fall to the ground as she changed into the new one. Once she had it on, she turned and picked up the dress that she had discarded upon the floor and hung it back up in the wardrobe. She gathered the skirts of the simple gown and headed out of her room. She had to ensure that Maleficent would not get mad at her for her appearance again. Her brown hair cascaded over her shoulders in large curls from spending the night in a bun. Her feet were silent as she walked, barefoot, down the halls. She never wore shoes in the palace, fearing that they made too much noise and could annoy the Queen. So, she walked in near silence through the castle halls. Aurora spent most her days in near silence. She made her way down to the kitchens, which was a bit of a surprise to those who were working away. She smiled at them all and greeted them by name. Learning everyone's name was a task that Aurora took to very quickly in her thirteen year stay. She wanted to get to know everyone. She walked up to one of the chefs and bowed her head a little, "I was wondering if I could take the Queen's food to her quarters. She seemed awfully tired yesterday." "Of course, dear," The chef made quick work of plating a tray of Aurora before handing it to her, "There you are, your highness." "Thank you, Gerald... Enjoy your day," She picked up the tray and made her way back up the stairs and to Maleficent's bedroom. When she reached the large door, she carefully placed the tray on one hand and allowed for the other to knock quietly. A soft smile crept over her lips as she hunched over her back arching slightly as she slipped backwards being sure that her body was pressing up against that of the man she knew for certain that she was in love with her dark brown eyes opening slowly as moved her thumb back and forth over the back of his hand the other happily trapped between his arm and her chest, turning her head back she looked over her shoulder her smile growing as she caught his gaze a gentle sigh slipping away from her as she let herself revel in the memories of the night before the thought of being held up in his loving embrace like she was causing her cheeks to grow red. "Well... Good morning my dear, I do hope that you slept well." Closing her eyes she lifted her head a little her lips pressing against the tip of his nose for just a moment before she once more relaxed her body her arm slipping from between them to pull the sheets up and over their bodies as the sound of a knock echoed around them from the large wooden doors alerting them to the fact that someone was there, turning her head back around she let her gaze linger on it for a few moments her smile fading as her lips molded into a slight pout at having her peace disturbed, "Yes? What is it now?" Feeling Freya's body starting to move against him, her back to his chest and her thumb brushing up against his hand that was draped over her waist and resting on her stomach, his dark brown eyes flitted open, just in time to catch her gaze. Unable to help the somewhat shy smile back to her, he pushed his head forward and buried his nose in her hair, breathing in her scent and the fresh air of the morning that the gentle breeze was blowing into the room through the curtain separating it from the balcony. "Well enough to not want to leave this bed ever again." Jafar replied, if a bit mumbled as he still had his face buried into her hair but pulled back feeling her body shift, greeted with a tiny kiss on the tip of his nose. Just looking back at her, propping up his head with his hand and elbow resting on the mattress below him, he couldn't help but to let his thoughts wander slightly. He adored mornings- little moments like this -it took him back to a time in his life when everything was just simple, when there was no need to stress about day-to-day life or who was trying to invade who's kingdom; a time before he was even the Vizier of Agrabah. His life with Sherrezade seemed like an entire lifetime ago, but even then he couldn't remember being [i]this[/i] happy. His dark orbs immediately snapped to the door as a rather irritating knock interrupted the moment, and his thoughts. His eyes narrowed, half paying attention to the fact that Freya was making an effort to cover them up, forgetting already at their state of undress. A slight growl forced his upper lip into a sort of sneer as he lifted his head up from his hand, letting his neck support the full weight and the palm of his now free hand started to glow just a light tinge of orange with a flicker of a flame at his fingertips. He didn't know who was on the other side or why; nor did he care. They were going to die. Aurora bit her lip a little when she heard Maleficent speak from the other side. She started to worry that the woman wouldn't want breakfast in bed. She worried that she had woken her up. She worried about a lot of things but she knew nothing would tick her off more than not getting an answer and having to find out who is was that bothering her in the early hours of the morning. She let her lip fall out of her mouth and took a deep breath, "I-It's Aurora... Your majesty... You seemed tired y-yesterday... So I thought that you might like to have your breakfast brought to your room for you... I'm... sorry if I disturbed you." The tray shook in her hands a little as she worked herself up before she took a deep breath, not wanting to spill anything nor ruin the chef's placing. Clenching her jaw she held herself back suppressing a groan of annoyance as she listened the soft voice of her ward Aurora floating into the room from the other side of the large door as the girl tried to hurriedly explain why it was she had interrupted the two of them in the first place, turning her head slightly she had to double back her eyes flicking from the flames licking at Jafar's fingers before she lifted her gaze back to his her body pressing back into his in hopes that he might calm himself before doing something the both of them would regret doing. "Aurora... Come in, you may leave the food on the table. I do hope that you had the smarts to bring enough food to appease us both. Neither of us have eaten since lunch yesterday." Slowly turning her attention back to the door she lifted one of her eyebrows curious to see how the girl was going to react to the knowledge that she was not alone in her chambers. With Freya pressing back into him further, Jafar simply lowered his hand, the tingle of magic leaving his hand and rested his jaw down on her bare shoulder, seemingly peeking over her and at the door in which he now knew that Aurora was behind. His jaw tightened up somewhat, he didn't much care for Aurora. Such a petty little thing that had no business here, there, or anywhere most of the time. Maleficent may have had her uses for the girl, but he certainly did not. He made a slight noise of protest that only Freya would hear, and understand before letting his head slip down from her shoulder to press his forehead to the back of her shoulder instead, closing his eyes and silently praying to Allah for patience. Aurora opened the door when she heard Maleficent inviting her in, quickly closing it behind her. She turned as the woman spoke for another person and noticed Jafar in the bed, his head pressed against her shoulder. She quickly sunk into a curtsy, "Sultan... I did not know you were here..." She quickly moved and placed the tray on the table as was asked of her before she looked back at Maleficent. She bowed her head, "I'm sorry... I didn't know you had... company... I can run back to the kitchens and fetch more for the both of you if you would like, your Majesties." Aurora's fingers played slightly with her skirts, clearly uncomfortable. Not only was she embarrassed for having found them both in such a state but also because she had a sense that Jafar was not too fond of her. The man rarely spoke to her and she was always a little unnerved in his presence. She didn't know how to act around him, there weren't many people who didn't like her. Chuckling softly a small smirk crossed her lips as his soft voice entered her ears adding to her amusement for the morning, she knew that he was not fond of the girl and that the girl in question knew that she was not liked by the Sultan himself, though the only thing keeping him from acting on his instincts was the fact that she wished to keep the girl around for reasons even sometimes unknown to the Queen herself, "The time for such actions Aurora has passed. We shall just have to make do with that which you have brought us, I do not mind sharing my meal as long as it is with my Sultan..." Lifting her hand up she turned her head to glance back at him her palm reaching back until she was able to slip her fingers into his hair letting them trail down behind his ear before she once more lowered her hand back to where it had begun, her head and eyes turning back to the girl standing before them watching as she shifted uncomfortably under the gaze that she knew Jafar was giving her, "Unless, my dear Jafar, do you have any issues with sharing the food that this child has brought to us?" Issuing out a sort of berated snort when Aurora addressed him, he lifted up his head a bit, cold eyes looking over the girl as though he were sizing her up... or deciding which way was best to end her useless life. He wasn't about to sugar-coat it, not today, not when she had ruined something he was thoroughly enjoying. He eventually let his eyes glance over to the small service she had brought in and rolled his eyes. Even if Aurora had only thought it was just Maleficent in here, the food provided was hardly enough given their withdrawal of food the previous day, not to mention, overall, he noticed Freya's appetite had increased somewhat given the fact that they hardly ever seemed to make it out of the bedroom anymore. "Actually..." Jafar voiced, finding his throat a bit dry from having just woken up. He shirked away from Freya a bit. It wasn't at all that he didn't enjoy the contact, he was just very uncomfortable with public displays of affection; he always had been. It made him feel somewhat vulnerable, and the fact that he was stark naked with nothing but a sheet to save his dignity in front of a teenage girl wasn't at all helping to ease that from him. "I'll have my own portion. Your [i]Queen[/i] will not be subjected into sharing a meal she could very well indulge in on her own. Now go." He made a sweeping gesture with his hand. "And bring back something fresh." A weight lifted off of Aurora's chest a little as the Queen said that they would make do. The girl kept her eyes on the ground, wanting to spare them as much... privacy as she could while still in the room. She watched her fingers as they turned the fabric between them and began to bite at her lip as Jafar began to speak. With every word he spoke the weight returned to her chest. A moment later she was being sent off, she said not a word to either of them. She merely curtsied before she turned to the door and quickly slipped out of it. She took a second to lean against the wood, trying to calm her nerves before she gathered her skirts and raced down the hall back to the kitchens. When she reached them, she rushed over to Gerald and looked up at him, "I need another tray... with something fresh... Do you think you could spare the time, Gerald?" The man looked at her, "Of course," he began to work on it before he looked at her, "Is everything alright, your majesty?... you seem undone." The girl gave him a small smile and nodded her head, "Yes... Everything is perfectly fine..." Her dark brown orbs watched on following the girls steps until she had left the room and the door had closed behind her forcing the Queen to turn her attention back to the man who was sharing the bed with her, turning her body she let herself face him her hand reaching out until her fingers lightly brushed over his chest her nails lightly dragging over his skin as she chuckled her eyes flicking up to meet his, "Calm yourself my love. Or would you like me to yet again help you to relax..?" Smiling she sat herself up shifting her position until she was kneeling on the bed the sheet slipping from around her body so that she was completely bare for him to see as she bit her lower lip moving herself behind him her calves resting on either side of her as she pressed her chest hard against his back, "You really are so hard on the little beastie... Mmm..." She leaned forward placing her lips against his neck chuckling softly as she began to place soft kisses against his skin, "I love it... Just as I love you." Jafar kept his dark gaze on the door even after Aurora had left, his brows refusing to let up knowing that she would be back within just a few minutes. He hadn't even heard, or felt, Freya moving around on the bed until she was sitting straight up. Moving his eyes to look over her, a flicker of awe fueling his gaze for half a moment before she slipped back behind him, he sighed somewhat and sat up on the bed straighter, hunching his shoulders over himself forcing his back to curve inwards slightly. Resting his elbow on his leg, he rubbed the sleep from his eye with one hand, though the motion could have also stood for trying to rub away the pressing headache that was beginning to form there. "She's coming back..." Jafar said matter-of-factly as he felt her lips on his neck, trying his damnedest to not be affected by it. The last thing he needed was to put himself in an even [i]more[/i] vulnerable position. Shrugging her off lightly, letting her know that he simply wasn't in the mood any longer, he took advantage of the short time alone they had and pushed himself from the bed to get dressed. "Don't you have an appointment with tall, tan and broody today anyway?" Pulling back slightly she hesitated her eyes flicking up to look up at him as he mentioned the fact that she was going to be coming back shortly though why it seemed to bother him she had no idea, the girl was only coming back to drop the food that he had asked for off then once that was done she would be leaving the room and undoubtedly thinking twice before trying to impress the two of them again by using her initiative, "Then let her come back. She is bringing us food. She will be in and out of the room in a few moments and we shall have all the time in the world for one another again. There is no reason for us to cut our happiness short due to that happening..." Her smile however faded her hands slipping from his body as she felt him shrug her off watching as he stood up moving to get dressed leaving her sitting naked upon the mattress her hands dropping to her lap, "I was happy... For once I felt blissful, I never wished for the moment to end yet you would rather me leave your company to go see the brute of the Pride Lands? I do not care for Scar, he can wait until I am ready to meet him..." Gerald finished his plating and pushed the tray toward Aurora, "There you are, Princess." "Thank you," Aurora said quietly as she gathered the tray and once again made the trek back to the Queen's bedroom. She was biting at the skin on her lips as she walked, not really wanting to go back in there. She could have asked someone else to go for her but she felt as though that might cause some kind of backlash from either Jafar or Maleficent. She moved quickly through the halls, the slight clatters of the tray and the soft thud of her heels hitting the ground were the only sounds to fill the hall. When she reached the door again, she looked at it for some time before taking a deep breath and knocking quietly once more. Turning her head to look back over at the door as she heard the knocking once more floating in through it she frowned a defeated sigh escaping through her lips as she stepped down from the bed standing up before she began to make her way across the room, reaching out as she got there she opened the wardrobe pulling out one of the many outfits she had the saree she pulled out red in color, "Get the door. If you want me to leave for the Pride Lands then I do not have time to waste..." Glancing over her shoulder she motioned towards the door before she turned away from him wandering through the door and into the bathroom quickly working to turn on the hot water allowing it to flow down what looked to be a private stone waterfall her voice calling out from over the sound of the flowing water, "If you choose, feel free to join me... Once you've gotten rid of her and feel the need to relax..." Placing her saree down on the stone bench she stepped into the shower her eyes closing as she let the water begin to relax her. Running his fingers through his entanglement of black curls a few times before adorning his turban, Jafar remained silent as Freya moved herself to the sectioned off area of her bed chambers that was the bathroom. It wasn't that he [i]wanted[/i] her to go to The Pride Lands, no man would willingly send someone they loved into the care of that beast of a man, Scar. But he had his own little agenda today, and for the time being, he had to make sure she kept busy without him. Better to ask forgiveness than permission with her; thirteen years of screwing up royally had taught him at least that. After ensuring that he was dressed properly, Jafar grabbed for his cobra-headed staff that was leaning up against one of the nightstands. Using the staff as an extension of his arm, he swept it around, pointing the head at the door where they suddenly flew open by magic, allowing Aurora in. "Put the tray with the other one and get out, child; find someone else to pester. Your Queen and I are very busy today and can't be bothered with your juvenile behavior." He reprimanded her quickly, keeping his eyes off her as he instead walked to the table where she had left the previous service and looked over what it was that she had brought the first time, eying it suspiciously. Aurora jumped a little when the door suddenly flew open in front of her. She looked at Jafar as he was lowering his staff, his eyes wide. She said not a word to him as he told her to put down the tray and leave them be. She quickly walked to the table and placed the tray down, her eyes looking at Jafar as he inspected what she had brought for the Queen. She lowered her eyes again, staring at her feet. With a quick curtsy, she turned and left the Sultan and Queen to enjoy their morning however they wished. She released the breath she had been holding as she was further away from the Queen's quarters and slowed her pace before she returned to walking in near silence down the hall. Audibly scoffing as Aurora left, making his current mood towards the girl rather clear, Jafar moved his staff back in the direction of the doors and had them close before returning his attention to the now two trays of breakfast left for him and Freya on the table. Not having much of an appetite any longer, however knowing he needed [i]something[/i] to give his body to run off of, he plucked a handful of sliced apples from the second tray and nibbled on a wedge as he made his way to the bathroom. "I've a bit of business to attend to back in Agrabah today." He told her loudly so that she could hear him over the running water. "When you've finished with the pussycat, call for me. My work should be finished by then." He kept his voice firm an even, a tone he often-times reserved for when he was strictly business and no longer interested in the more sociable affairs of his love. Although he enjoyed the latter, much more than he knew he probably should, the both of them knew that there was a time and place, and now just wasn't it. Their moment had been last night and into the early present morning; but it had since passed and the time to move forward had come. Frowning she narrowed her eyes her head turning to the side slightly as she listened to what he had to say to her knowing that the moment of pure bliss the two of them had been sharing was now dead with no way to be revived, "My business with the cat will most likely take most of the day. Do not get your hopes up Jafar. But if that is what you wish, I will call for you the moment in which I get back." Turning her head away from him again she closed her eyes lifting her head up so to allow the warm water to flow over her face, through her hair and down her body to the bottom of the shower and in turn the drain, lifting her hands up she ran her fingers through her hair her back arching slightly as she began to relax a soft sigh escaping her lips as she soon came to the realization that she was now alone in the bathroom. Exhaling a sharp sigh from his nose, Jafar simply turned and headed out, getting halfway to the double doors of the bed chamber before a wall of fire appeared before him in which he stepped through, the flames lapping up his person as he seemed to be swallowed up whole until neither him nor the flames remained as though neither of them had been there.