[center][img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m73okroouB1qek6l1o1_500.gif[/img][/center] Before Digger could even get a handshake from either Clark "Ultraman" Kent or Thomas "Owlman" Wayne, he found Ravager running around him, only to jump up towards the evil caped crusader himself, her twin blades against the back of his neck. She had some serious balls, Digger had to give her that! After all, the man had decided to try and take on Deathstroke and had nearly done so! Digger expected another huge session of ass kicking; the owl vs the one eyed loonies. That was something he'd pay to see! However no such thing happened, with Owlman casually pushing away the swords with his finger, before advising Ravager as to how she could improve next time. Well that settled things for Captain Boomerang. He now knew that the guy was a showoff. That, and a tremendous dick. Turning away from the commotion, Boomerang was surprised to find a short sharp pain in his head. It felt very similar to how he often found himself waking up after a heavy night of drinking, so basically how he had felt hours ago when the plain had prepared to land. Unlike his usually hangovers however, this time it was accompanied by a voice. Former king of Atlantis? Oh hell no, now things were just going to get weirder, something that is quite difficult to do if you're in the supervillainery business. Digger was about to speak up and call the pretentious twat out when the walking feline spoke up asking if all Atlanteans could do was talk to fish. Dumbfounded at the question, Digger indicated his forehead in regards to the telepathy that had just taken place, muttering numerous cat related insults under his breath. "[i]I'm the artist formerly known as, Captain Cold, but you can all call me Leonard, Leonard Snart.[/i]" The all so familiar voice made Digger turn his head. Anger filled his head once more as he crossed the room and headed towards his former leader, stopping in front of him. He stood there in silence for a few seconds pondering on what to say to the man who had betrayed him all those months ago. Finally he opened his mouth to speak. "I've gotta' be honest Lenny. I've being thinking about this ere' moment for quite some time, mate. However just seeing you here in the same boat as me is all the revenge I need you walking Popsicle! As when you end up messing up or goin' off on one of your loner tantrums, I'll be there to watch Waller blast yer' feckin' head off!" He finished with a laugh. He turned to walk away before stopping. "Actually mate..." He began, a grin crossing his face. "One last thing!" The Australian flung round, his fist rocketing toward Captain Cold's face.