Jackson was slightly surprised by Mary's confession, she seemed rather chill and worry free. Though that might be due to her smoking habit. When she blew the lavender scented smoke into his face, he didn't really mind. It reminded him of happier times, like when he went hiking in Yosemite a couple years back. It had been one of, if not the best days of his life, even if he almost broke his leg about 5 times that trip. "Um, Mary right? Is this weed, or something else, and could I try some?" His voice was still rather quiet, and he was still feeling rather nervous, but having Mary reveal that about herself made Jackson feel less at odds with her. Jackson then turned to Maxwell, chuckling slightly at his reprimand. "Don't worry about me, Maxwell, I'm from California, so I'm used to a little smoke now and then. Have never done it myself because I never felt the need. Now I do, so it's no big deal to me." He was used to a whole lot more than 'just a little' due to Jackson's sister being one of the biggest stoners he'd ever known. Thing was, she was also a published author of a series of semi-popular mystery novels, so maybe she had a reason to be. Jackson turned to look at the new arrivals, recognizing them as the newer kids. They had shown up a week after he had enrolled and that's all he knew about them. He gave them both a small wave, wondering what thebfuture had in store for this group. . . and ignored Aphosis' claims that they would all die horribly. Aphosis was always easier to ignore when Jackson was either in some natural setting, or when he was surrounded by the smell of nature. In fact, he always felt better in the great outdoors, and only recently did he think it was more than just a simple love of the outdoors.