After a little bit Elizabeth regained her emotions and pushed the few tears away. Standing up she walked over to her door and looked out the little peep hole. Seeing blood splattered on the walls she knew this wasn't something contained to outside. Grabbing a light sweater she threw a bottle of water into the pocket before opening the door slightly. Moans filled the hall as she poked her head out and seen that there were a few dead looking bodies walking at the one of the hall. Holding her breath she pushed the door open and ran for the staircase. Once she was on the other side of the door she slammed it shut as some of the walkers headed towards her. "What the hell is going on here, is anyone even left alive?" She questioned softly before heading down the stairs making sure to look down to the lower levels as she did so. On one level a door was opened and when she went to close it a walker jumped at her. Seeing their eyes as is pinned her down she could tell that the person was a walking corpse. Throwing her arm up with she scissors she stabbed them in the side of the head after struggling not to get bitten in the face. Standing to her feet again and taking a breather she ran down the rest of the stairs busting into the lobby thinking open space was better then a cramped staircase.