Giving the crowds his most sincere smile, Faust let out a boisterous laugh as they closed in with their questions for the heroes. He attempted to pay the others little mind, they were reminders of something he didn't want to think about right now. To distract himself, he decided to engage the audience, answering all the questions about his time on Alma Terra with an added theatrical flair. The favored story, and one he told with fervent intensity to draw in his listeners, was the tale of his victory in the Grand Arena of Thirdain. Entering as an anonymous foreigner one year ago, he had risen to claim the championship and the prize money. In one round of the tournament he had even bested four men at once, incapacitating the final opponent on foot after he was unhorsed. The nobles applauded. They had of course heard the tail on the wind, but coming from Faust’s own mouth made it all the better. He had a knack for dramatic presentation to match a bard, and bedecked in his silvery armor it was difficult for the nobles to doubt his competence. Among all of the heroes present, they were hard pressed to find anyone who looked so blatantly…[i]heroic[/i]. After his tail was done, he stepped closer to the king to escape prying ears. "Your majesty, something troubles you, yes? I would share whatever burden rests upon your shoulders, if I may," he whispered, seeking to discover the reason they had all been called hear while ingratiating himself to the king at the same time.