Deon shook his head no, keeping a straight face. "No, but there are other ways to get what you want." Deon said with a shrug. Sure he had money, $200 worth stuffed inside of his boot, but he wasn't about to tell a complete stranger that. No, the only one he would ever share his money with would be his sister...if she were still alive. He couldn't afford to think like that though, right now he just had to take care of himself and worry about her later. She was tough, she had pulled through worse; at least that's what he tried to tell himself. "Show me where this Martha lives, we'll pay her a visit and see what she has to offer." He suggested. Glancing over to the now dead mutant monkey, he figured it would probably be best if they didn't eat something that had been mutated; who knows what that would do to their stomachs.