As Edward waited in his holding room he continued to plot for what move he could make. Before he had an opportunity to decide upon a plan, one of the guards entered ordering, "Edward Blare. Lord Lindemann wishes to speak with you." Standing to prepare for the new meeting Edward agreed, "Of course. Please lead the way." He recognized a chance to earn his new leader’s favor when it presented itself and would choose to hold back on his more subtle approaches for now. He followed the guard down the hallway and saw Hyrum escorting alongside Lord Lindemann's guards. He made an attempt at creating a lighter atmosphere when he pointed out, "Much has certainly been achieved today hasn't it? These new leaders are fortunate to have the initiative of moving past what Mr. Kecker has done." Hyrum didn't permit him to take credit for the day when he answered, "That is what has united us. If luck has played any part today it's because you've managed to show more value to us alive." Edward was quick to agree with his new allegiance, "Yes. I would see that as the truth." He was shown into the meeting room with OZ's new leader and his assistant. He determined the safest distance from his host when he prepared to approach the meeting. He greeted, "Lord Lindemann. You called for me?" | Mercurio heard Instructor W and agreed, "Sounds right. At least we should hope we’re given the time to permit her rest." He still had his concern when he offered his regret, "It's one thing to lose loved ones, but finding out the truth behind their fate is something that will challenge anyone." Dana shook her head at the news, "Damn. Sounds like a lot more happened than we expected." Gawel heard this conversation starting before asking, "Another one of our military leaders is out of commission?" "Yeah. Another one. Damnit, why couldn't he have been in place of General Carmine or de Lombard?" Roy answered. He didn’t need to guess the recent events before he remembered the deduction Mercurio had made. Nasir answered his question, "You think either of those guys were any better? They were willing to follow Coalition orders instead of trying to go back on them and support our leaders. How would that look on them if they survived?" Mercurio reminded him of the vacuum answering, "We'd at least have someone in the Earth Sphere military ranks to look up to. We've hardly got anyone left at this point." Dana reminded, "Yeah. We're forced to look out for our own now. We stuck together for this long, we can hold out for another few missions." Her remaining soldiers would need more than this to get back into a fighting spirit, but at least now she could guess that everyone was able to tolerate their new lodging. "Finish up any last adjustments you need done. We're going back on regular scheduled training tomorrow morning." She dismissed. The remaining pilots did their best to maintain professional with only a few groaning but still adding to the chorus of, "Yes sir." Mercurio saw Naina among their ranks and knew he would only have to fight alongside his niece from now on. He introduced her, “It’s good to have you on our side Naina… I’m sorry we didn’t take your warnings into any serious consideration.” Naina nodded to his apology, “It’s understandable. You are part of a fellowship of loyal soldiers who believe in their nation. I didn’t want to hurt Milou either. If I had succeeded on the Mediterranean though, I could never return home.” Mercurio hoped to steer away from the details when he offered, “I’ll just hope we don’t have to force ourselves into another duel over ideologies. The Tallgeese will have its best moments ahead of it I’m sure.” Naina agreed, “Hopefully you are right.” | One of the Leo III unit pilots saw the explosion from a distance and knew the outcome for the battle as soon as he saw the other arm of the Sol Thero flew off. "He's got it!" Oleg swiped his forehead when he heard the news, "Thank god." He heard Tano request the news on the Sol Theros before he began a radar sweep of the area. "Should be... Negative. Looks like they've moved out." He reported when the signal of the Sol Thero units moved out of the radar range. One of the pilots decided to fall back on an earlier theory brought up, "Moved out? Guess they weren't interested in us then." Another one of the pilots was confused about the idea asking, "What Earth Sphere operation moves in without an intention of completely wiping out its enemies?" Oleg began to give a suggestion, "We'll probably only be able to find-" In another moment there was another explosion from a distance away. "What was that just now?" One of the pilots showed her confusion when she asked, "No clue. The enemy shouldn't even be nearby." Another one asked, "Must be more of our guys. You don't think they're already headed into the Poland installments do you?" One of the pilots knew the inevitable outcome reminding, "If they are they probably aren't going to last long." Oleg gave an urgent warning to the remaining forces, "We've got to move out and warn our superiors. If these things are collectively this powerful our Eastern European hold is screwed over." He contacted another pilot asking, "Can we at least pick up their possible destination?" After a brief period Oleg received his answer. "If they're headed south then Poland is the most likely destination." Oleg decided that now was the best time to move out for another engagement with the mobile suits when he ordered, "Prepare to move in. We have to get within range and warn them." Slowly but surely the notion of giving orders had come to him. “I’ll still have to make sure I have the leadership necessary for times like these. Kiprotich is my superior anyway.” He said to himself. The remaining Leo III units prepared to move out before Oleg suggested to the engineer, "McNeil, see if you can use any of the remaining unit wreckage for ourselves. Some of it should be salvageable."