[h1]Noboru-Warakuma Hospital to Mall[/h1] "Alrighty. It looks like you're all set to go Noboru. Now be careful, We don't want you to end up in here again you moron." Noemi gave a playful smile, indicating her non-serious attitude. She was cold towards the Matthew boy, but only because he was an imbecile trying to hit on her. But she had known Noboru since he was 10 or so, so she knew he wasn't going to try with her, he had seen what she was capable of. [color=navy]OKay, Noemi, thank you! Cya around![/color] Noboru had his training clothes, specially requested and delivered by his brother, who had gotten too friendly as of late. He stretched his legs and started on his jog towards the mall. It felt good to exercise again, even if it was just jogging. He kept a good pace, trying to maintain his breath. His chest heaved in and out, indicating he hadn't really practiced too much as of late. His breath was ragged, but he didn't let that keep him from jogging all the way to the mall without stopping. AS he continued onward, his thoughts wondered to the fact that he was missing drama club. Maybe if he was lucky, no one would notice his absence, and if they did, he had a relatively fine excuse. He WAS in the hospital after all, maybe he could play the pity card. Of course, they might've been heartless folks and he wouldn't get any slack. He arrived at the mall mid though, and started stretching again, ready to start his exercises. He looked around to see if he knew anybody there. [h2]Aiko, the cool twin[/h2] There were bags under Aiko's eyes, and his legs stuttered with every step. He had been Noboru's caretaker from his family the last few days, no one else really caring about interacting with the hospital ridden boy. He even washed and brought his training clothes for him, the new ones he had taken a while earlier. When Aiko approached him and asked about track, Aiko looked at his face. he absolutely knew that it wasn't just some random drunk that Toma had pissed off. You couldn't just piss off a drunk and walk away with a bruise or two. More like cuts and possible hospital visits. Aiko decided not to pursue it further, knowing it wasn't his business meddling in personal affairs, even though it bothered him too much and he wanted to know about it. Putting the thought to the back of his mind, he responded to the track question. "Well of course i'm going. I'm not just gonna quit it after one practice. I'm not THAT weak."