Alphard and Kenshin stayed together for a long time, up on that moonlit bluff overlooking the sea. They spoke of their experiences since starting SAO; Alphard’s many hardships and the betrayals she had faced. They discussed- at length- Kenshin’s team, so that Alphard would know what to expect when she joined up. Finally, the two talked about how to introduce her to the team, and to have her formally request joining up. Kenshin decided that it would be best to wait till tomorrow, despite his excitement to be fighting alongside someone that he knew from back home-and someone he loved. After what seemed like an eternity, Alphard decided that she had to head back to the inn where she was residing. The young, aspiring lovers moved in for another embrace and each felt their hearts beating faster, until it seemed that they would burst from their respective chests. Kenshin rested the point of his chin on Alphard’s head and held her, swearing silently to himself that- now that he had been reunited with his friend- he would do everything in his power to protect her. Then, suddenly, the embrace was over and Alphard was walking away. Kenshin sat heavily back on the stone bench and stared stupidly into the distance, a dazed smile stuck on his face. So lost in the moment was Kenshin that the arrival of his friend Fitch went completely unnoticed until he sunk down into the seat beside the young lover, nearly scaring him out of his skin. He hid it well, though and merely shared the other’s company for a while. Truth be told, Kenshin had to admit that he was rather surprised to see Fitch out by the seaside. He’d expected Fitch to be back inside the inn, hanging out with Yari on her big night. He’d noticed the ring on Yari’s finger and, though he still couldn’t give the complete rundown on items on sight, he figured it to be more of the marriage proposal type. Ever since meeting up with the others in this hellish ‘game’, Kenshin had figured there might be a special connection between Fitch and Luna, but now it seems that all of his suspicions were completely founded. Kenshin wondered how the team would fare with their two strongest members now being married. He assumed everything would be much the same, but really had no point of reference for matters such as these. Kenshin was so caught up in his own thoughts that he almost didn’t hear Fitch ask his question: “So, who is she?” That question certainly required some thought as the woman in question actively defied definition. He let out a slight chuckle, “Damn Fitch, you sure know how to pick the hard questions. That was Alphard, my neighbor back in the real world. And also my best friend.” A furtive glance showed Fitch to be listening intently, a look on his face clearly waiting for Kenshin to continue. “Sweet Fancy Moses man, you’re just gonna sit right there until I spill my kriffin’ guts aren’t you? Fine. I was in love with the girl back home and was always too much of a coward to tell her. Now she’s here, trapped in this Tenth Circle with the rest of us. So I asked her if she wanted to join us. It’s a good investment,” he continued quickly, “she’s quite higher in level than the rest of us because she’s devoted all of her time to hunting all of the enemies on each floor into extinction.” Kenshin’s voice took on a thoughtful and sad tone. “It’s not to make it safer for others either. She kills them for fun. For revenge. She’s all hate and anger right now with the only release being hacking her enemies into pieces. You gotta understand where she’s coming from, though. She came into the game late. After we all knew it was a trap. She told me she was sick on opening day, so she didn’t hear anything on the news. Her fever broke overnight and she decided to log in and play video games for a while. And she hopped into this place, not understanding what was going on. She spawned in the main square, Fitch. Right into that bloodbath. You remember it, I know I certainly do,” He shuddered silently, “She didn’t have the luxury of finding a team or a guild right off the bat, she had to forge her own path all alone. Now we’ve found each other, though, and I would give anything to protect her from harm- physical or emotional.” Kenshin stood suddenly. “I would DIE for her, Fitch.” A moment later, Kenshin shook his head. “No, that’s too easy here. No, I would [i]kill[/i] for her! I would put myself through the pain and heartache of ending another human’s life if it would ease her suffering.” The man started, realizing what exactly he was doing and sat down sheepishly. “Yeah. Sorry. You know what I mean though, right Fitch?” he asked “You know, with you and Yari getting hitched and all. That was your ring on her finger, right?” Far off in floor 21’s main town, Alphard lay in her rented bed in The Hunter’s Hearth. Her unique scythe, Grim’s Razor, lay against the wall. The woman watched shadow creep across the single-handed wire wrapped hilt as a cloud passed over the moon, and slowly let the cracks in her emotional armor show through. She was safe now. She would never have to worry about having to kill a fellow human posing as a friend to get near enough to rob or rape her ever again. She could show emotions other than rage. She finally could be human again. When sleep finally took her and the moon once again glowed down from the heavens, its ethereal light reflected the shine of tears on her cheeks and snow-white hair.