[h1][center]*~*[color=SeaGreen]Alexander Katts[/color] and [color=DarkOrchid]Maleficent[/color] ~ Present Day ~ The Moor's Castle*~*[/center][/h1] The sound of water trickling from the shower onto the expensive tile floor created the ambience of the bathroom, comforting but empty. Steam wafted across the room in some sort of foggy haze and the air was pleasantly hot but sticky. Such things did not matter to the Observer, who eyed the Dark Queen curiously as she cleansed herself, his green eyes darting all across her curvaceous frame but nothing more than that. He had only been standing there less than five minutes, but still the Queen had not noticed him. Some would have called what he was doing vouyerism, but in truth it was simple observation, an analysis. When words were unspoken, the body bade communication. Finally, the Observer spoke up, moving forwards to reveal himself through the mist to the Queen, "You are tense...agitated. Has the Serpent vexed you so, Your Majesty?" His voice was smooth, calm, almost like a snake's itself. Marked by a British accent that flowed like water, the Observer, Alexander Katts, managed to retain a composed yet powerful presence, even in the strangest of settings such as the washroom. With each step he took came the rattling of his decorated outfit, along with the sound of countless blades hidden on his person. In truth he had knives hidden on his wrists, in his shoes, in his coat, on his armor and even in his sleeves. His largest blade, the thin Vorpal Sword's hilt could be seen peeking out from behind his cloak. This sword was perhaps the most feared of his. Many say it was enchanted, other say it was dipped in a special poison, but all knew this blade was unlike any other, and all who were kissed by it never lived to speak of its bite. The muscles throughout her body tensed her breath catching in her throat for no more than a millisecond before she quickly worked to regain the composure she usually had as she was caught off-guard by the sudden sound of a new voice entering the bathroom his tone more like the purr of a cat floating about the room and through the steam towards her, gathering all her hair into both her hands she pulled it all over one of her shoulders her head turning and her eyes flicking back to gaze at him taking in the figure of the man she had once known oh so well, "The serpent himself has not, though his decision to leave me in this state of mind has indeed vexed me... Not to mention the little beastie who seems to take pleasure in disturbing me in my times of peace." "Ah, your ward. Her blind loyalty intrigues me, as do your reasons for keeping her. Fond memories, perhaps?" Katts inquired curiously, raising a slight eyebrow, though he was not expecting an answer. Turning back away from him she closed her eyes once more her hands sliding down her fingers running through her long locks as she cleaned it of the oil that had accumulated within it, "I do hope however that you have come to rid me of this mood before I make the journey to the Pride Lands... So tell me kitty, what news have you got for mama?" Katts couldn't help but smirk at her vocabulary. Some would call it humiliating, others condescending, but he knew differently. It was something of a game of theirs, a reminder of a time long past. Moving closer towards her (though still out of reach of the water itself) Katts managed to keep his gaze fixed on the Queen's eyes, retaining a remarkable amount of professionalism in the presence of her nude and...extremely wet form. "The Moors are silent...too silent. There is complacency in place of true life. Whether fear has quelled the people or something veiled is rising is outside my purview. My informants remain vigilant." Katts explained coolly before moving on. "However there is a note of interest from The Pride Lands, a ripple in the pond. My reports, though muddled, all reach a consensus that you will find [i]quite[/i] noteworthy." Katts began with his trademark wide grin, "A mage made quite the stirring in the Scarred King's Dining Hall, disappeared in a veil of light. Mass search parties yet no sign of the escape artist. I am never one to take things at face value, though I find it difficult to believe one man has the skills to evade an entire army in their home terrain without the use of magical aide." Katts finished, clasping both hands behind his back as he let his eyes slowly scan the Queen's figure once again, taking a rather intrigued look at her shapely rear and ample bust before moving back up to her eyes; all the while retaining perfect posture. "I have noticed that the Kingdom has become quite silent... It unsettles me, but that could also be due to the fact that the number of uninvited guests has risen as of late." Closing her eyes she sighed heavily her head shaking slowly from side to side as she thought through what was being said to her about what exactly had gone down in the Pride Lands since the last time she had been there, the idea of Scar allowing a mage willingly into his castle something she couldn't begin to fathom especially since he detested with a passion the times in which she graced the halls. "One moment... He allowed a mage to wander freely through his castle halls? Intriguing... If this man has managed to evade all of Scar's men then there is no doubt in my mind that he is using magic, whether his own or someone else's though I will need to search out later though." Reaching out with her hand she shut off the water cutting off the flow as she turned to face him using her hands to slide down her body ridding herself of any excess water that still lingered on her skin, "I will find out myself what happened from Scar's own mouth when I get there. For now... I have other matters I would like you to attend to dear pussycat..." "What would you have me do, Morgana?" He asked, using the name he knew her by now that the two of them were alone. He was fighting himself, the base urges that rose up wanting to seize pleasure where it could. "Is arousal on your mind? The signs appear to me quite clearly though my own mental state is less-than-clear." At this he moved somewhat closer, the sound of his leather boots on the wet tile echoing off the walls. He stopped until just about a foot of distance was between them, daring not to move further. "Perhaps you seek pleasure, now that the Serpent has slithered off. A setting such as this is optimal for such." Katts observed aloud, inwardly cursing himself as he felt his own resolve start to crack. He knew what he was doing...the last thing he needed to do was fall to his own devices. "Your skills as a seductress are, indeed, honed. You move as an assassin would, as I would. Slow, calculating, with subtlety as your ally. Cruelty is your prerogative." He finished with that same wide grin, his fingers twitching at his sides. He would remain strong. Raising her eyebrow her lips turned up into a small smirk each and every one of his movements causing her to feel the joy in seeing him crack under her gaze... Under her words... Under every one of her actions, "Well... I did learn from the best." Tilting her head she turned it to the side slightly her hands reaching up to rinse her hair of the excess water before she swung it back around shaking it out slightly her feet moving her out of the shower and past him as she moved to grab up a towel that had been lain out for her sometime the day before. "While arousal is one of the topics that is on my mind, it is not what I seek from you. No, what I want is for you to go and perform a simple little task for me... Nothing too strenuous I assure you, I just wish you to be some sort of reminder for the dear King of Province." Reaching out she picked the towel up running it over her limbs as she began to dry them off not bothered by his presence in the bathroom with her nor that his eyes were following her every movement, "He has begun to forget his place... And the fact that he has been shamelessly courting not just myself, but many others is beginning to annoy even me. I want you to deal with it, make sure he knows what is expected of him." "The Hunter...I will show him his place." Katts replied with a simple nod of understanding. He despised the King of Province; the buffoon was a skilled hunter but lost any semblance of maturity the instant a pair of breasts was within eyesight. "I'll make my leave immediately, if there is nothing else, Your Majesty." Katts then asked, letting his gaze turn to the Queen once more. "There is nothing else that I can think of at this present time, I believe that you are good to take your leave." Throwing the towel to the side she began to pull on the saree that she had brought into the bathroom with her when she had first come in the material hugging her body showing off the curves that she knew Jafar loved, later that day she would speak with him again and make up for her attitude that morning but for now she had other matters to attend to, "Do send my regards, if you are to need me for any such reason, I will be spending the day in the company of the other cat in our lives." Katts merely turned his head and nodded before heading out of the bathroom entirely, disappearing from view. The journey from The Moors to Province would normally have taken a few days, but Maleficent was aware of this and had her own shortcuts in the castle. Katts did not eagerly anticipate once again being forced to speak to the King. Attempting to rouse him into listening when he had closed his mind was as effective as bantering with a solid brick wall. Nonetheless, Katts knew Gaston's weaknesses, and he knew his strengths. It was simply time for the next piece to move in his game of chess.