Maxwell was the first to speak up and volunteer to help fight the good fight. He looked right as her as he said it, with what she could swear was a glare digging into her like daggers shot out of a cannon. He must have noticed how intense his glare was, for he looked away quickly. She couldn't help but chuckle, he seemed to be pretty bad at hiding his emotions, or perhaps expressing them. She flipped out her notebook once more, though this time she jotted things down with a red pencil. The next person to accept her proposal was Raven, Kanoa nodded and scribbled. Raven didn't seem to have what she could call a fierce determination, if she were to venture a guess, it would be pure curiosity that drove the doll-faced girl to join. "Sooner than you think, though not as soon as you're likely hoping, Raven." Kanoa answered with a cheeky grin. Kanoa's over-sized bow quaked as Jackson yelled, she slowly turned her head to him as he shot questions at her. Another member added to the party. Her already lazy eyes seemed to slouch even lower at him. "I appreciate that you're so willing to help, Jackson, but you need to remain calm. I have a plan of action, and it doesn't involve going into this rashly, alright?" She said, speaking with a soft tone. She hoped he would keep his cool in the future, she didn't want to deal with any... rouge variables in her plans. Her eyes shifted to August, who couldn't have been pantomiming an inner conundrum more accurately if she tried. She swiftly decided to join, somehow slipping off the table and falling to the floor. Kanoa scribbled [i]Autumn[/i] down in her notebook along with the other team names, she almost hoped the red head would display more clumsiness in order to justify the nickname. Before Kanoa could answer August's question, Mary spoke. This was the first time she had ever heard Mary speak without her signature sarcastic tone, and because of this Kanoa was inclined to listen intently. She was telling them all something quite close to her, something that apparently had been literally eating away at her. And she had never told anyone else about this, just what kind of weight had she been carrying alone? Now that she thought about it, many of them here were dealing with problems of their own. Mary in particular seemed to have developed her own ways of coping, as evident by her attitude and penchant for mysterious drugs. Maxwell spoke again, this time giving his own insight into the investigation. Kanoa smiled and tapped him on the shoulder with her notebook. "Why look at you, thinking all logically." She shoved the notebook in her skirt pocket. "He vanished from his home, his room, I believe. And as for the leaf..." She pulled out a long, oval leaf, and held it up for all to see. "It's from a rare tree, however they are common deep in the forest..." Kanoa tilted her head past Maxwell to see two people enter. "Ah, the Bowers twins... um, cousins, nice of you to arrive unfashionably late." She walked over to them and introduced herself, and took the liberty of introducing them to everyone in the room as well. "Ennis, Morgan, I have a feeling you're here for the same reason I decided to send out those invitations. Two Naturals showing up right when the town starts to become off the wall? I don't believe in coincidences. So, you'll be joining us, got it? Excellent." Kanoa nodded and turned to the rest of her 'club.' "I think I've covered enough for today..." She murmured, ruffling her curly hair. "Any questions before we adjourn? We'll be meeting at the children's park by the old abandoned fire-station tomorrow. It's the weekend, so getting there a little after daybreak shouldn't be a problem."