[b]Leiko Hamada: Warakuma High- Drama Club Meeting Room[/b] Kasumi rose to the challenge presented before him quite aptly, raising the tone of his voice to be more feminine as he did his best attempt to portray a sisterly figure. It was a difficult exercise to pull off, since the language of the piece was quite rich and subtle in its execution. Ismene would need to be a subdued, unopposing girl, in contrast to Antigone's more curious nature. And he did fairly well in his execution. Leiko opened her mouth, intending to give small praise for his enthusiasm, and then he shot [i]that[/i] smile again. Was he trying to infuriate her by acting so cocky? Leiko let out a sharp intake of breath and crossed her arms. [Color=yellow]"Your stance is far too masculine. Your body has a language too, and its speaking the wrong tone,"[/color] Leiko criticised flatly, ignoring the more positive qualities of his piece. [Color=yellow]"But still...a round of applause for Kasumi-san on his efforts,"[/color] she instructed the group, which was conceded by a small burst of applause. Out of the corner of her eye however, Leiko spotted Shinichi speaking to someone unfamiliar, engrossed in their own conversations. "[Color=yellow]Shinichi-kun, I would thank you to pay attention," [/color] Leiko snapped, looking unimpressed before looking over to the newcomer. [Color=yellow]"And you...I don't recall seeing your face at auditions. Are you aware that the club is at full capacity at the moment?"[/color] She asked bluntly. [Color=yellow]"I appreciate your interest, but I will have to ask you to leave."[/color]