Hello there, stranger. I have browsed a number of roleplaying sites before setting my heart on you. I have not "roleplayed" since junior high school, and I have just recently picked up reading fantasy again. Reading in English at all, really, which is why my vocabulary may be lacking in many aspects. Just as my post title states, I currently reside in the Land of the Rising Sun, Japan. I'm a lonely foreigner who speaks relatively fluent Japanese, but lacks the confidence and willpower to steer a conversation out of the Japanglish or Engrish (Wow! It's. sooo. cold. [i]Samui ne.[/i] Cold.) arena. It's gotten to the point where I actually feel guilty speaking in Japanese, since I feel pressured into playing the role of the novelty I seem to be. I don't know when I started to become so passive, but it's killing me inside. Anyways, enough on that. For the moment, my favorite authors are [b]Brandon Sanderson[/b] (picking up [i]Mistborn[/i] on a whim in one of the last remaining Barnes & Nobles was more than just serendipity, I swear) and [b]Pat Rothfuss[/b] (despite his supposed broken promises and whatnot). I'm looking to take a hack at [i]Game of Thrones[/i] when I can pull myself out of my self-imposed melancholy, but I'm really open to anything. Throw your suggestions at me, please. I cannot guarantee that I'll be able to obtain whatever books you might recommend me, since I'm forced to rely on whatever used books are left behind by other English speakers high-tailing it back to their own countries, but I will definitely write them down for future enjoyment. In another year and a half, when I return home with my own tail between my legs, I will be sure to read every one of the books you suggest. I am truly blessed and yet unfathomably cursed. And I am lonely. Please permit me to join your ranks.