[h2]Gotham City, the Narrows.[/h2] The Riverside, huh? Well, good thing Jason's crawl was nearby. It hadn't taken Jason particularly long to reach the formerly abandoned apartment complex that served as his safe-house. After all, he was driving a motorcycle used by vigilantes that had to reach one end of Gotham to the other in a matter of minutes. The place was in pristine shape considering he hadn't stepped foot in it for four years, granted expecting a homeless person in Gotham to be capable of breaking in to a miniature Batcave, or whatever it was former Bat-sidekicks were supposed to call their bases of operations was a bit of a stretch, but if there was one thing you'd learn as Robin, it's that [i]anything[/i] can happen in Gotham. One could never be too fashionably paranoid. Going through the tedious multi-step process of actually getting into the place from the outside without someone opening the door for you, which, as you would expect, involved a little eye recognition device in the peephole and a secret security panel or two, Jason sighed to himself while he looked over the scattered papers, ammunition clips and candy wrappers that showed definitively how much of a rush he was to get out of Gotham the last time he was there. Clean up would have to wait for later, for now, he had more important things to do. While he had a variable arsenal of weapons and hidden goodies in unsuspecting drawers and plants, Jason found something particularly alluring about a good old fashioned stash in the closet approach. Being in a pristine penthouse with a walk in closet certainly helped with that endeavor. It only took him a minute or two to swap out the live ammunition in his pistols with rubbers and place a couple miniature blow torches in his jacket before changing into the cargo pants, combat boots, and form fitting armor that served as the rest of his Red Hood getup before he held the eponymous helmet in his hands. He lingered for a moment, staring into the crimson metal before placing it over his raven hair, sliding into his other persona in a matter of seconds. Minutes later Jason flicked a light-switch to reveal a massive garage filled to the brim with scattered cars and motorcycles, from showroom quality Harley-Davidsons to the bare framework of a Shelby Cobra. If you didn't know better, you'd probably confuse it for a mechanic's dream rather than a criminal's hobby shop. Walking past the borrowed Batcave cycle, Jason took his place on the Ducati that served as his main method of transport while Red Hooding. [h2]Riverside Industrial Distract, Some time later.[/h2] Jason parked his motorcycle in an alley almost a block to the south of the STAR Labs facility that Freeze had poetically chosen as the site of his last stand. Putting his hands in his pockets and making his way to the end of the Kane Memorial Bridge, Jason figured Bruce and the others would prefer he not go in guns blazing, and as such lingered near a pair of docks far enough away from where he assumed the Caped Crusaders would be making their entrance as to not be associated with them. Not to mention he didn't quite want to deal with the usually ballistic technicalities that came from a rooftop entrance, granted diving in the Gotham river on Christmas Day wasn't exactly appealing either. "Red Hood ready to go." He proclaimed into the communicator he had commandeered earlier, preparing himself for whatever insanity was sure to follow.