After watching his opponent nimbly side-step his rather poignant message he snarled and scuttled forward at high speed. An arrow came at him from the left, and he caught it nimbly on his stolen shield. His opponent stood motionless, apparently concentrating on something else, he did not rate her chances of being able to raise her sword into anything resembling a defensive stance in time. He slashed horizontally from the right, aiming to cleave her across the lower abdomen with formidable force. His momentum carried him past and it was simple to drive the point of his stolen weapon through the archer’s heart with minimal effort, driving him back a few steps as the spider stopped and turned, pulling the blade free with a burst of gushing blood. His legs moved side-wards with surprising agility, and he turned once again to face his foe and gauge the damage, if any, his blade had inflicted. It was unlikely the soldiers would still be summoned all around him with bows, but if they did he would deal with it as it came.