[quote=@Jack] Apologizing in advance for posting IC before my character has been accepted but going to sleep soon so wanted to get a post in beforehand. [/quote] You... you bastard. Your actions are unforgivable. Someone hold this joker down whilst I apply a tire iron to his face! Joking of course, come back. Everything is fine, and Ryu Hawkins is an accepto. [quote=@Malta] right then while I am pending approval from the thread creator, if I get in, who would like their character to run into a slightly confused and very pissed off Irish man to start off their night? [/quote] Callahan is accepted. [quote=@nerminator] you gotta love those moments when you leave to play a few video games and theres 24+ new posts on that 1 rp [/quote] That's life in the free lane, baby. [quote=@Nuttynad] Woah o.o not even gone for a day and there's 24 IC already [/quote] I know. Everyone fantasises, perhaps sometimes sexually, about being trapped on a cruise ship full of homicidal maniacs. All I've done is capitalised on this market trend.