Appearance: [img][/img] About five foot seven and slenderly built. With wavy blonde hair and cold, calculating, icy, blue eyes. He has long lashes, long graceful limbs and fingers, and pointed elbows. He's always seen wearing more formal attire, even when painting. Name: Gilbert Bonnefoy Nickname: Gil, Dick, Mr. Smirk, Sassy Pants, French Asshole. Age: 18 Powers: Think of Gilbert's powers like the Triforce, each piece is a tattoo like birthmark somewhere on his body that gives him a certain ability. Rose of Sass: A black rose located on his left shoulder blade. It gives him the sharp wit and sharp tongue of somebody who fights back against authority figures, or just anybody in general. But it has to be activated with a smirk. So if you see him smirking your way, prepare yourself. Butterfly of Attitude: Located on the back of his right knee, this Crimson butterfly gives him the bravery and toughness to stand up to just about anybody, no matter the trouble he may face. Unfortunately this one is always active, getting him into some pretty tight spots. Shield of Apathy: A tiny, violet shield on the inside of his right wrist. This is the only one that has any combat usefulness. Given two meanings, the Shield of Apathy can either allow him to block out, and thus not care about, lectures and scoldings and fights. Or, the version he uses much, much less often, he can create a shield of magical energy that he can use to protect himself or others. It's activated by saying the word shield in his mind or out loud. Weakness: Due to the Butterfly of Attitude being activated at all times, it is very, very difficult for him to make and keep friends. As an art prodigy, people expect things of him that he doesn't always have. They want him to create a new masterpiece every time he finishes one. Inspiration doesn't always come, thus his paintings have recently taken a much darker turn. Skills: Painting and drawing, pissing people off, getting into trouble, working under stress and pressure. Hobbies: Painting and drawing, being alone, dancing (Secretly), pissing people off, getting into trouble. Personality: Above all Gilbert has a sharp tongue and a quick wit. He's full of attitude and sass, and not just because of his powers. He's almost always wearing either a blank look or a smirk. He's intelligent and has an amazing eye for detail. He has a calm, calculating mind that can function even under heavy stress and pressure. But of course, like everybody, he has his limits and needs his me time every once in a while. He hates authority and rules over anything else and will go out of his way to defy then. He hates people in general too as they always look at him differently. He keeps his origins to himself and really doesn't give any details out about any of life really. Background: Born an art prodigy to a prestigious French family, Gilbert has had greatness and expectations forced on him since he was very young. It made him grow to hate people, rules, and authority. Though he did love to paint, he hated it that people expected him to, and to be good at it. So as he grew older, he became more and more defiant and full of spice. Thus the development of his powers. He was allowed to go to proper school, but also had tutors for various subjects that they didn't teach in regular school. The people in said school always treated him differently, for the fact that he was an art prodigy and from a well off family. His skill in painting got to the point that he could start faking mistakes in things, making it seem like he was losing his skill. Until one day he forced himself to paint something that only a child could. His father shipped him off to Orean Cause in a heartbeat, finally having enough of his son's attitude. Gilbert for one, is glad to finally be free. Theme song: [url=]Just Like You - Falling In Reverse[/url] Clubs: Dancing Club Dreams: To be one day known for something other than painting and reduce that to just a hobby and not a way of life. [hider=Gilbert's Schedule] -9:00 - 9:55 AM: Biology -10:00 - 10:55 AM: English -11:00 - 11:55 AM: Ancient History -11:55 - 12:35 PM: Lunch -12:35 - 1:25 PM: Free Period -1:30 - 2:30 PM: Phys Ed -2:30 - 3:30 PM: Art -3:30 - 4:30 PM: Algebra Dancing Club[/hider]