Beatrice nodded and gave a small smile to Delacour. Shy, demure. That usually made people underestimate her. "Yes Beatrice Falk, and you are Alice Delacour." Beatrice said rather than asked, as she shook Delacour's hand. "It is a pleasure to meet you, though I suppose we're opponents now." Beatrice's own heavy accent made it clear that English was not her first language. Beatrice then turned her smile to Stuart. She remembered the boy from when they schools had first arrived at Beauxbaton. He himself hadn't been obvious, but his classmate had been quite rude. Beatrice remembered that Stuart had been the one to apologize for the other boy and since their arrival Beatrice had noticed Stuart strutting around the Beauxbaton's campus. Now that she knew who exactly her opponents were she felt more comfortable. It was much easier to defeat a foe you know rather than one you don't. "You are Anthony Stuart." Beatrice said holding out her hand to the English boy.