[b]Amy Snow[/b] "I wonder if my mother was a Gypsy." Amy said mostly under her breath. It was an often thought of hers of what life she could have had. What 'orphan' doesn't have those thoughts. Admittedly even still Amy believed that not having a past gave her great opportunities to become whoever she wanted to become. "But yeah, I don't think those exist here." She recovered, this time speaking louder as if hoping she'd drown out her own previous comment. Amy drank from her water. "If I knew how to play an instrument I'd totally pull it out right now and play it though. I think that'd be wonderful." [b]Ash Mareinos[/b] Ash grinned and led the way to where she had stashed her bag. Away from the fire the night was cool and her skin goose pimpled. Once Ash had her bag the two hurried, with only the light of the sky to light their way. Ash's feet knew the way though. She could probably have found the lake if blindfolded. Both of the students were in good shape, but it was still a long walk to the lake. Once there Ash took a deep breath and hid behind a tree to change into her swim suit.