For the briefest of moments, he felt alone. As if he was cast back into this world all over again, the only person he had for a long time was Gaius, but then he had also ignored Gaius who had been just alone as Anthony. He was about to say something when he heard a voice behind him, he tensed and reached for his sword but stopped when he saw who it was and let his hand fall to his side. "Hmm this night can get worse." He said quite rudely, but he seemed to scoot to the side so his new companion could have a seat, he looked to the setting sun and chuckled. "It's not so different from home. Sun sets, and rises with out without us." He said. He kept silent for a moment, and then he looked to his companion. "Do you ever think about home? Or are you like the others and choose to forget about it, because you have it so much better here?" He asked. And looked to the girl, not that he could remember her name it had been so long, but he didn't doubt she would introduce herself and brag about her accomplishments anyways, so he didn't need to ask for it.