As Mike’s eyes were trained on his laptop’s screen, he listened to Floyd speak. He was high, so he wasn’t making too much sense. Then again, Mike wasn’t paying that much attention. His attempt at searching for Chronicle on Netflix made him frown. “Chronicle isn’t even on here… And Carrie ain’t that bad. You don’t remember the shit she does at the end?” Mike said as he searched up the movie. “And if I had an HDMI cord, I would have used it. You think I like watching movies on this small ass screen?” Mike said as he finally looked to his roommate. “And I’m gonna be promoting and working as the doorman for the Attic tonight. Remember the club I said I got hooked up with? Yeah, I’ll be there for most of the night. Half work, half play.” Mike said with a smirk. [b][i]You know what? Fuck a movie… Let’s just actually use our powers.[/i][/b] Mike used his telepathy with his smirk still up. He got up from his desk and shut his laptop before making his way towards the door. “I don’t know about you, but Walmart sounds nice.”