[b] Near Relin [/b] The woman laughed derisively again, "How touching." She paused for a moment, considering the request, "You could very well have your comrades back, should you wish to work for it. It isn't within the scope of my powers, but there are objects capable of controlling the flow of Life and Death. Should you reassemble the last, unsealed, Black Gate, you would be able to control that flow, barring that the Devourer hasn't consumed their spirits. It'd be a lot of work, and you'd make a lot of enemies doing so, but it'd amuse me greatly." She began to walk around him, surveying him, occasionally reaching out to touch him. "I am no forgewoman, you'd be talking to the wrong Sei," she mused, "But I could, I suppose, make at least an effort to do something. Bear in mind though, what I give you is not intended to align with your goals entirely and I only humor such a ridiculous request out of deference to what you've done for me. Hand me your weapon." She knew what she had in mind would be patently inferior to the weapons forged by the Mastersmith's so long ago, their ancient techniques long lost in time. However, she could do enough with her powers to at least to enhance his weapon in a small way, although the power would not be consistent.