Neil searched through some lockers when the module rocked. He looked over, seeing one whole connector start to sheer away. He lashed out and grabbed a handhold as the entire section rumbled and tumbled abit. He threw himself upwards making for the connector back into the area they came from. HE made it just on the heels of Ellie. Twisting as soon as he's through and sealing helping Ellie to seal the lock. He looked through the small window looking back through it, watching the remains of the module drift. He could see Victor and King floating away with it, both men tucked into balls to weather the storm of shrapnel and and debris as the module drifted and came apart. Neil slammed his palm against the inside of the door, "Fuck...fuck...FUCK! That's two more! What the fuck is happening up here? This place was designed to weather meteor storms. How the hell does the fuel packs go up? How the hell is this all happening?" He took a couple of shallow breathes to try and calm himself. Fighting down the urge to take long deep breathes. He groaned, "Whatever happens Ellie, we need to try and keep our heads. Makoto too...fucking hell eh...this is just too much to take in." As they made their way through the pods he kicked and guided himself along. Then grabbed a handhold as they came to the blown out section. He looked out into vacuum. He gulped, "My god...this was...this was part of Medical wasn't it? Dear god...I almost expect Doc Johns to float around that far corner and ask if we're okay..." He started to unspool one of the safety lines on his belt. Handing the end with the safety lock too Ellie, "Okay, lock that off to something...and keep your eye and hand on it. It's strong enough that you'll be able to pull me back along it if need be. If it stays taut, I'm still going. If it goes slack...well you'll be on your own and you'll need to reach Makoto on your own Ellie girl..." He smiled at her. Then swallowed, " we go." He took a step then pushed, using the power of the kick to get him moving, wanting to save his thrusters as much as possible. He drifted out. He cleared the ragged edge of the module, floating out into the sub-zero clear vacuum. He grit his teeth. Listening to the safety line spool out. His on board computer beeping as lines of measurements and code flashed across the inside of his face plate, "I'm clear of the edge..." He drifted on. His hand going to the thruster control. He kept going, giving himself a light boost to send him forward, "The other side is one hell of a wreck..." He gave himself another boost. Reaching out to bat a piece of debris out of the way, and then to push the burned and frozen body of young Jack Boyer, one of the med-techs. He winced, "Boyer...I just floated by him..." He could see the other module edge getting closer, "Just a little further. Is that line tied off Ellie? I'm about to enter the other side. Use the line to bring you across. I'll tie the spool to a handhold. That will be stable enough to get you across." He drifted closer. He caught a handhold as he entered the shadow of the other side of the ragged tube. He grunted, then quickly tied the spool off to another handhold, "Ellie...I'm across. Carefully come across. I'm not going to crack the lock until you get here. Be careful. Take it gentle. Tease your way across. Survival is more important."