Kaite's checks were hastened, eager to fill his new position. He went about it all as best as he could while giving a 'shotgun tour', doing his best to avoid stairs or ladder sections which lead down to areas which he guessed were beyond her clearance, anyway. On that note, he didn't entirely know her rank on the ship, though... ~~~~~ Ugh...a recommendation from Kathrine? What did [i]she[/i] want with me and Achieng of Chima? If she read their file, they'd see the problem. There was no sweet talking me...for what, I do not entirely understand. Frankly I am...hrm...Tch, the thought. I mean, I...I-...there is...so much that I do not understand. Looking over the note as it messily paged the top corner of my left lens of my glasses...well... [i]No...[/i] I [i]have[/i] felt more lonely. And I will [i]never[/i] forget it, no matter how badly they would wish, otherwise! ~~~~~ ========= [color=f6989d]Kaite glanced back at Achieng as they lead them to the bridge, their expression narrowing in a skeptical manner. "Ent here vee haf zeh bridge" They said in a half cheerful tone which sounded fairly artificial. The swing in their emotion having occurred at just about the moment when the door opened to the bridge. Katherine from navigations...with the information she had on Achieng as well as experience with Kaite as well as herself, she was concerned with his rapid decline in the last few weeks leading up to the last jump. His behavior being keyed to textbook definitions of depression. Katherine had pulled for Achieng from the moment of reading their application, slightly aware of suspicion surrounding Kaite's fixation on aquatic creatures, figuring he could benefit from someone to talk to. "As cold as he may be..." She mused, finishing a small entry in her log as the door opened and...[/color] ========= ~~~~~ I looked out over the people at their terminals, fingers folded behind my back as I descended the three steps to the main floor, crossing past the captain who I offered a bow to; whom I was sworn to repeat such arduous rituals before. Assuming the attractive [i]consultant[/i] would be able to manage themselves while I tended to business, I scanned myself in. Of course, there was nothing for me to actually be there for; punctuality sharpens the conceptualized personality. I would [i]die[/i] to please. ~~~~~ After a few clicks, Kaite looked up from his terminal, wishing to confirm what he had just read on his end. His ears twitched and flattened against his head as he looked up at the craft through the shielded windows. The answer was a soundlessly resounding [i]'NO'[/i]. Hiding behind his terminal, he did what he could in regards to weapon specs which had been disabled on a hot reading scenario, unable to target allies...not like he had even tried. Prey knows when it is among its greater. Kaite was left speechless as he simply watched the readings and the floating mass which slowly drifted by the window. (color snafu)