[u]Arisu Arata (BlackCat) Yamimori and Akai Kurokawa (Polaris North)[/u] "Pleased to meet you all." The superheroine said. As Elizabeth lead you to the 'garden', the three of you notice the mansion actually surrounded the 'garden' itself save for the opposite side. The place seemed more of a courtyard than a simple garden. Two rows of shrubbery parallel to each other were on the middle and what seemed to be a person doing various corny heroic poses. He seemed to be dressed in a black military uniform and you can see a pair of katana sheaths on his back. "Mr. North, the applicants are here." Elizabeth told the man in black as she lead the three of you to him. "Really? That was fast." The man in black responded. Now that you had a good look, The North person indeed wore a jet black military uniform and a balaclava that covered his head as well as a pair of red-tinted goggles that covered his eyes. The man in black sized the three of you and sniffed at Arisu a bit. "This is it, Lizzie? These are gonna be the ones who'll help stop all the world's problems? I don't think these guys can even beat Barrier!" Elizabeth simply chuckled at the North person. "That is why you're here, Keith. To find out if what you're saying is true." "Pssh, I'll send these three idiots back to their mommies. Just you see." The Tavern mercenary drew his katanas and placed himself at the other end of the bushes. "Come on, who wants to taste the wrath of Keeeeeeiiith Noooooorth!" "Don't hold back against him okay?" Ant Girl advised before walking to the side. "Go all out." [u]Jacob Nielsen (Nylic)[/u] "Jacob Nielsen, huh?" John repeated. "I'm gonna call you, Jake." John then lead you to a chamber that contained a large, circular device on one side. Numerous wires and cables were attached to it and before it were several computers all manned by people. Some of the monitors were small, some were huge while some seemed to be together. On the opposite side of the circular device seemed to be a stage encased in glass with a table and several chairs but no one inside. "Where you just came from was the dorms for the supers. You didn't get to see them 'cause they're busy doing all sorts of crap." John said before looking right at the circular device. "In order for them to do those crap, they go through there. Transportals as we call 'em." He pointed at the device. "They then emerge in another Transportal somewhere in the entire world. Each U.S. Embassy in a foreign country has one. Don't tell anyone about that alright?" "Come on." The ex-Marine lead you out of the Transportal chamber and back to the steel corridors. "Any questions so far?" He asked before asking one himself. "What are your powers anyway?"