[u]Yamimori and Akai Kurokawa (Polaris North)[/u] "I am? YES! Take that, Ian!" Keith yelled at the heavens before evading the flame from Yamimori's lighter by sliding under it. He then made a mad dash towards Yamimori who let out another wave of flame. Keith jumped over the flaming wave and brought down both of his katanas upon Inferno in a downward slash. "I got you now, Human Torch!" However, Yamimori had time to react. [u]David Alexander Robin (TheHangedMan)[/u] You arrived at your supposed destination, only seeing a set of black gates that provided an entrance to a two-meter tall wall of snow white color that stretched for a couple of kilometers. There was no one else in sight and you began doubting if you were at the right place. You could see a radio on the gate but there was no sign of it was coming to life. "You're late." You hear a whisper from behind you. Startled or not, you face the whisperer and see a girl with long silver hair tied into twintails with what seemed to be vines. Her face was covered by a mask but you could see her eyes were green and the bodysuit she wore was also green. "The others are already here." The girl then opened the gate and motioned for you to follow her. On the other side of the gate was a wide path of cobblestone surrounded by what seemed to be a forest that lead to the main building. After a five minute walk through the cobblestone pavement, you reach the main building, or rather, mansion. Windows dotted the mansion's white walls and its roofs were rose red in color. You could only see its front which contained a set of large, wooden doors over a balcony held up by four pillars. "I'm Rinko Kagamimori, 'Disaster Lily'." The girl emotionlessly introduced herself before opening the doors and leading you inside the mansion. The area you and Lily entered branched off to other areas. On both of your sides were stairwells that lead to the second floor while on the top-left and top-right were hallways. The opposite side lead to what seemed to be the courtyard where you could see someone fighting. "Introduce yourself to Lizzie over there and be obedient." Rinko instructed you while pointing to the courtyard. [u]Jacob Nielsen (Nylic)[/u] "So you can make a card disappear from your hand?" John jokingly asked. "Heh, just kidding, kid." Soon, you and the ex-Marine reach a particularly large hall that looks like a glorified vulcanizing shop. "Welcome to the R&D Department. If you get a bright idea on how to improve your powers, you tell the techies here and they'll see if they can make that into a reality." He then lead you to an area at the end of the R&D Hall that's only open space save for a giant glass box. Some computers were in front of it and multiple cameras watched the glass box in every possible angle. "This here is the 'Cage'. This is where the super agents test out their abilities for everyone to see. We also call it the 'Rage Cage' since if you want to vent, you can use this place 'cause it's got holographic targets and simulations and whatnot." John explained. "It's also where spars between agents take place. The techies haven't installed a safety feature yet so it's up to the super agents to pull their punches." John then lead you back to the dormitories right in front of your room. "Well, I guess that's everything a super agent needs to know. There's also the armory and the cafeteria but I'll show you them when we get back 'cause right now you have an assignment. Do whatever you need to prepare for the day then report to the Transportal room?" The ex-Marine instructed you. "You're going to be chaperoned by Barracuda. He's a guy in a SCUBA suit." "Any questions before I leave you?" He asked.