Adalina Corvi - Virtù Cardinali Incarnano Cafe Zepelli Adalina raised an eyebrow at Catherine's obvious distrust towards the random selection. "Now now Catherine, I hope you don't really think I would do something as unjust as cheating in a game of luck by using magical powers, especially when it is only about the movie we're going to watch this evening. Not that I could do something like that anyway, without making it obvious. I really thought you would trust your leader a bit more.....what a pity." She knew that Cath most likely had not meant anything with her statement, but even so, as the veteran member of the group and pillar of justice, she demanded at least some respect, especially when it came to things that weren't just at all. Reminding them now and then that they had to be able to trust each other blindly wouldn't hurt and since there was the very real possibility that they would lose one member at some point, it was better if they could spend the time together without any doubts. "Well, since Horror, Action and Comedy are the ones we want the most, we should only select between these categories. So, does anyone have a dice or something else we could use to get a random result?"