McGarretty laughed under his breath "That's always been the problem with these religious types, make it difficult to be polite like sometimes" He reached under his bunk to pull out his duffel, unzipped it and started sorting through for a change of clothes as all he could smell was fish and if he wern't careful he would be sullied by it. "Not sure what I'm gonna do with these" he said as he started to get undressed, "Probably have to throw 'em out of an airlock or somethin'" but decided to make do with shoving them under his bunk and hoping that the smell wouldn't stink the cabin out. He quickly threw on some new clothes and decided to have a wander to stretch his legs. He never had been able to cope with being cooped up in quarters for to long. And he still remember Lawrence Tonga completely loosing his cool and ending up in the loony bin after to long in a pod. "Not a good thing to happen" he thought. He had a brief debate over pistol or no pistol but in the end decided that the Captain and her crew might get a bit nervous if he started wondering around tooled up. With a quick backward glance to check that he hadn't left anything valuable on show he slowly wandered towards the cargo deck.