[quote=@TheMaster99] My avatar is exact-dimensions and I had no trouble. [/quote] Mine too. Maybe the trouble only happens for exact-size animated gifs? [quote=@LegendBegins] *snip* I also believe it should come with an "ignore" option. [/quote] You mean like a 'Mark as Read' button? [quote=@Mahz] I've been thinking about this for a while. I'm going to implement a trust system so that I can give trusted members more privileges while restricting the privileges of potential spammers (i.e. new users). *snip* [/quote] That sounds like a very interesting idea. It would definitely make the Guild stand out. I would support such a feature. Of course, I can't imagine that the implementation would be simple, especially since balancing it properly would be important, but that doesn't stop it from being a good idea.