Yeah, I like that we're getting these character vignettes in, a chance to get a good look at more of their personalities and mentalities, as well as their combat-selves too. It's something I've been eager to do, and I think this is a perfect moment for it - kind of the calm before the storm, or even the first rumblings of it as it comes in. I think both posts so far have been excellent, and I'm sure Skyth's will be just as good too. Getting more of a look 'under the hood' of all of the characters will be good. One thing that would be cool, is if before everyone sets out, we get a chance to just actually talk to each other. Maybe a sort of 'one last moment' thing before everyone put their game faces on. Not sure what they'd say, but it might be nice, somehow. Especially as it's never really happened. Not sure what you think of that? I'm not meaning tearful hugs all around, but maybe just a few words between everyone before they head out. I could have Scott open it up - he wears his heart on his sleeve the most of everyone, I think.