[b][u]James/(Jasmine)-Weird Sisters Apartment-Municipio V[/u][/b] A sandwich huh? Jasmine was a little surprised at first that her apparently rich teammate was going to fix something so simple, but she didn't voice that surprise. "A sandwich is fine. It also doesn't matter what kind; I'll eat anything put between to pieces of bread as long as it's edible." Which was far more true then it should have been Something interesting of note, was that while Jasmine was good at blending into most environments (both in part due to The Cufflinks and her acting ability) there was one major exception; a normal girl. Maybe it was because she hated this form, or because she was trying too hard, but she sometimes came off as awkward. "So...um. Somethings that the girls at my school got me thinking about boys; either of you have a type?" She asked. 'That...that's a normal thing for a girl to ask...right?' She hoped