Leiko let Mario-sensei take back the painting, before turned towards the wall, which Mario-sensei wanted her to climb. Now she was actually rather glad that her parents insisted her on learning this exercise, regardless of how boring and annoying she found the exercise back then. Even though she has used this technique before, she never really tried to see how long she could last in one position, she didn't really have the patience for such things, so that would be a new for her to experience aswell. Leiko slowly put one foot against the wall, before channeling chakra towards it in order to stick to the wall. She did it slowly, so she could concentrate more on presurving as much chakra as she could. Even though she was a jinchuuriki, she didn't nearly have a endless supply of chakra. Far from it actually, hers reservers were pretty small, compared to some of the other jinchuuriki. When Leiko was certain her first foot was attached to the wall, she also planted her second foot on the wall. Before she slowly, but surely started making her way up the wall. When she reached halfway up the wall, she closed her eyes and tried to shut the world around her away for a few moments. So she could concentrate better on the task at hand. After about a hour of standing still, Leiko had almost reached her breaking point in her concentration. As she started to get really really bored, doing nothing. But it was here reserves that failed her first, once they were depleted far enough, her technique started to fail. As she lost her grip on the wall and started to fall. During her fall she just a small amount of force to push off from the wall, and start a singel backwards flip, which allowed her to land on hands and feet. "So.. what's.. next.. Mario-sensei?.. Leiko asked as she panted after each word. She was allready pretty tired from this exercise, but she wouldn't leave from this room until she learned somthing new.