[color=6ecff6][b]Name:Raven Solis Alias: Rage Age:22 Personality: Very sarcastic and loud mouthed. He seems to be one of the lighter and more outgoing type, but unbeknownst to others... he has an extreme dark side. Powers:(I have two non-overpowering powers I will consider to be more of abilites) -Keen Eye: He has the ability to see through people's clothes and flesh to see their organs. He can identify when someone is injured and where would be the weakest point in someone's body. -Rage: When mad, Raven becomes more focused and aggressive. It speeds up his reaction time, and other's movements become slower. His fists become surrounded with a black aura and he uses this dark aura to drain energy and to deliver more powerful strikes to his foes. He also gains a brief healing factor. Weakness: Too much light can affect Raven's vision. Bio: Raven grew up with his biological Father and Mother, until the age of nine. His Mom then passed away, and his Father became abusive and angry at him. He developed an anger problem, and he often found himself more focused and more willing to make a move. At the age of twelve, he confronted his Father and almost killed him. He was then sent off into the military to be trained when a freak accident happened at a facility and it left him severely wounded. He became discharged and found himself all alone in the world. But he found something else. He found that he had supernatural powers. He could see through people, he could identify their weak points and exploit them at will. However, there was one thing that didn't seem new to him. He could feel his rage. He could feel it flow through him, and he could feel how focused he was. After his short career in the military, he decided to become a mercenary. A hired killer. A professional sniper. During this time he would kill and kill while earning large amounts of cash. One day when he was paid to eliminate someone he misfired and the security immediately identified his location. Angered by his own failure and the current situation, he was driven into a rage and he first discovered his other power. He used his fists with this new dark aura and made his opposition fall to their knees. He also felt rejuvenated and fresh. He figured out that every time he used this, he would heal up. The more mad he got the stronger he felt. He is neither Hero, nor Villian, but somewhere in the midde. At this point he is a neutral character. Civilian Appearance:[img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/33367656/267823509060141502_hX8EqAz3_f_large.jpg[/img] Suit: [img]http://img0.joyreactor.cc/pics/post/Anime-1793167.jpeg[/img] Gear: (I would like to add this considering my character is not really a hero with powers, but rather a skilled marksman. I will list his gear. However, I will also add gear as I progress through the story since he has an armory. That way he has certain gear for certain situations. Similar to Batman. I will only list his basic weaponry here.) Two M9s, a tactical serrated knife, a AR 15, concussion grenades, frags, katanas, a sniper rifle, and a rope and hook. Arc Ideas: My character is shaky and will eventually snap to a certain extent. He might turn on his fellow comrades and might become a villian himself. Other: I will start in Jump City I guess, I will go about my "daily life" until I run into one of you guys. "Titans Forever"[/b][/color]