[center][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/8397493c91c6dcf013f6e245b81aeca7/tumblr_nd0uj6p7P51sz5ceyo7_r1_250.gif[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=forestgreen]Robin Hood[/color] - Present Day - The Moors (Hood's Hideaway)[/h1][/center] Robin Hood woke up on a cot under a small tent, that was his alone, and a small fire pit that was used most nights for cooking and warmth. He reluctantly got out of his bed and began to pull on his clothes. He was slightly sore from the day before, a few bandits had decided to ransack a town. Luckily, one of the men got word of it and like the Calvary they rode in to protect the innocent. The fight had been short lived, the bandits were under armed and under trained to take on anyone more than a farmer's wife. However, they did get a few blows in, hitting Robin in the shoulder hard enough to leave him with quiet the bruise. Fully clothed, he made his way out of his tent and into the small town of tents. The Merry Men had once flinted about the Moors from place to place, travelling where the wind and danger took them but after a few complications with towns burning to the ground and them leaving the inhabitants in less than favourable living arrangements, Robin felt it were time for them to settle down. The camp was hidden well away from any roads and it would be difficult for any person who didn't know the woods like him and the Merry Men to find it. In fact, even those who lived there didn't know the way. Robin had each and everyone of them blindfolded before they took them all in. They could leave... but they left knowing they could never come back. There wasn't much reason to leave though, their families were here, there was room to grow crops and the Merry Men along with a few others hunted. A river was close by for quick and undetected escape as well as fishing and fresh water. Overall, the people who lived in his hideaway were happy. A rather large man approached him and clapped him on the shoulder, causing him to wince, "Easy, Little John," he hissed between his teeth. Little John laughed, "That bandit got you quite good, didn't he, Robin?" Robin rolled his eyes and pushed the man away a little, "Yes. Yes. He got the jump on me. So what, I'm quite positive you have a few scar from that." Little John smiled and pushed Robin slightly, "Not as many as you..." "I don't think me jumping in front a sword counts as them getting the jump on me," He chuckled running his hand down and over his mouth, "Now, did you have something of importance to say. Or did you just come here to mock?" "A little of both," John said with a grin, "Will Scarlett found the girl you were wanting us to keep an eye on. She was walking through the Moors headed to the Province and came back a day later with a letter, which she took straight to Maleficent's castle. She seems more like a messenger than a ward, Robin." A smile played on Robin's lips with the news, "I don't know, John. You don't just trust anyone with important information like that and the girl I saw looked to just the right age for the stories we've been hearing... and she didn't look like any peasant, servant, or slave I've ever seen. She was clean and well fed. Looked like she'd been treated like a princess. I don't think our sick Queen would be as kind to any old messenger." "Now look, Robin.... Alice just had a baby girl... A beautiful baby girl," John said, taking a moment to get a little giddy about his new daughter, "So, I've got to ask... What do you intend to... do with the girl?" Robin looked up at his friend before he stopped walking. He reached up and placed a hand on his shoulder, "You know me, John. I am a fine gentleman. The girl will come to no harm... I'm just looking to hit the Queen where it hurts." "How do you know this will hurt?" John asked, holding hands in front of himself. Robin pursed his lips in response. He didn't really know if it would. The Queen was heartless after all, who knew if anything would hurt her. He shook his head, "Stealing gold and weapons from her is getting boring and it isn't doing anything but stealing money from the poor souls who made the tat to begin with. I'm just hoping she has a bit more attached to the girl than she is to some coins." John sighed before nodding his head, "Alright... Well, do at least know how you are going to go about it?" Robin had the grin on his face that always worried John a little. It was a grin that meant he was off to do something stupid. Robin picked his quiver and bow from where he had left from by the central fire and pulled them onto his shoulders, "I heard there was a Duke coming through the woods today with little muscle... Figured I'd procure him of some extra weight." Robin smiled at him over his shoulder as he retrieved his horse and without another word he rode off. It was times like these that John began to question if they maybe weren't the good guys.