Alrighty here it is. New format for the site makes it kinda annoying to do this without preview, so edits will come as needed. [u]Character Name[/u]: Shamus Cotter [u]Code Name[/u]: Lynx [u]Age[/u]: 31 [u]Appearance[/u]: In gear: [img][/img] Unmaksed [img][/img] [B][u]Personality[/u]: Since most of his military background was spent serving in a guerilla army, Shamus doesn’t have quite the same discipline as a normally trained soldier would. If someone wants his respect, they have to prove to him that they deserve it, even if they’re a superior officer. He’s not stupid enough to be completely insubordinate, but a person shouldn’t expect him to be completely agreeable with every order given. Shamus likes to run his mouth, whether it be during a fight, during briefing or while being interrogated. He has the gift of gab and he’ll be damned if someone is going to take that away from him. [u]History[/u]: The history of Ireland is a one that long deals with ongoing conflict, yet in the past century there were very few cases of all out warfare. The closest scenario in that case was the troubles in the late 20th century. A great deal of this conflict steams from the Irish Republican Army, or the IRA. Specifically, the IRA has been a name taken by numerous different groups, originally being the military wing of the Sinn Fein, a political party in the early 20th century that wanted independence from Great Britain. The Sinn Fein made great progress, but some in the IRA felt that they were being too compromising with the British, and so the IRA splintered the first time, which certainly would not be the last. It has been many years since the IRA has been a dominant military force in Ireland, nowadays one of the most recent splinter factions/incarnations mostly sticks to guerilla warfare. Car bombs, hit and run tactics, causing overall trouble and picking small, isolated targets. As a terrorist cell, they could never fight a full-fledged war. They fight for different causes, political freedom, independence, and some of them even greed. Shamus Cotter’s family was apart of one of these groups, and thus so was Shamus. Shamus grew up in public school but in his spare time was trained to be a killer once his parents felt old enough. Eventually as the years passed, however, Shamus found that he didn’t share the same ideals as his family or compatriots. He wanted out, and was eventually presented with an opportunity. MI6 wanted someone on the inside to take down this particular group of IRA terrorists, so they made Shamus a deal. He gives them the intel they need and they give him a new life. Shamus accepted. With Shamus’ help MI6 took down the terrorist cell, most of them not willing to go quietly. Regardless of their actions, this wouldn’t prevent The Troubles in Ireland years later, but Shamus’ part in the IRA was done. MI6 held up its part of the bargain, Shamus was given a new life in Britain. Impressed with his skill at the operation, they offered him a new life and job. The assignments were nothing serious at first, but as the years passed and the organization’s trust in him grew, Shamus was given more dangerous and critical assignments. Eventually he was given one that would change his life, one that would discharge him from MI6 to allow him to join a group called the Blaze Unit. Special Talents or Skills: Shamus is skilled at crafting improvised explosives out of mundane objects. The strength of the bomb depends on what materials he scrounges up to make them. (disclaimer: So the NSA doesn’t put me on a list, I’m not going to be too authentic with this, but I promise I won’t be too ridiculous) Personal Weapons & Equipment: Binoculars. MP5KA1 with suppressor and laser sight. Heckler and Koch USP with suppressor and laser sight. Personal Combat Knife Gas Mask Personal Theme: [youtube][/youtube][/b]