[hider=Robin][img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/400f0963145120938a852eefa6b7aa5a/tumblr_njbmtjBzRu1rdelhno10_1280.jpg[/img] Name: Elliotte "Ellie/Eli" Grayson Alias: Robin Age: 15 Gender: Female Abilities/Skills: As she has had training from batman, Robin is in near perfect condition for someone her age, physically. She has above average speed, endurance, agility and strength. She is a master of martial arts, acrobatics, and stealth, though to a slightly lesser extent than her mentors. She has good deductive reasoning, is especially talented with hacking and computers, and strategy. She is also multilingual; she can understand English, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Mandarin, German, French and Korean. However, she can mostly only understand them, and still has some trouble speaking some of them (especially Mandarin). Powers: As both her parents were human, Ellie has no super powers. Weaknesses: Ellie is still a human, and can die from nearly anything a human can die from. While she is good at working with just one partner, Ellie isn't too good at conventional team work. She often would rather do her own thing than wait around for others. Equipment: Wrist computer, bat tech, bo-staff, a few other useful items in her utility belt. Personality: Ellie is sarcastic, determined, and... a little rebellious. While she has her mind set to do everything for the good of people, she can sometimes let her personal matters get in the way. She isn't easy to give things up, unless she knows she will lose. Though she may not act like it, as she's often not too serious, her intelligence is above average. Though she'll occasionally crack jokes, she's usually quite serious and focused on missions. History: Ellie is unaware of the identity of her mother. Dick never told her, and she doesn't inquire, figuring it must be a tender spot for him. Anyway, if she truly wanted to know, she would track her down. Though she suspects the woman - whoever she may be - simply abandoned them. Ellie doesn't mind, because her dad's all she's ever needed. It was never a secret that her father was Nightwing (and eventually Batman), but she was often secluded as a child so she didn't give out the secret. From about the age of six she began training, and when she reached age nine she began working alongside her father as Robin. She was very young when she learned to differentiate work, play, and training, and it was rare she blurred any of them, if at all. Still, Ellie was never really around other children, besides the apprentices of other heroes, and even then it was for work and not casually, leaving her rather lonely until more recent years. Sometimes as a child, she would often get quite rebellious if her father angered her, and would go off on missions on her own, which usually lead to punishment and injury. This is one of the reasons Nightwing thought she needed to be independent from him for a while; have a team of her own to be on, as he was part of the Justice League. Other: Her costume looks like [url=http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/28700000/Robin_Love-Pic-s-young-justice-28711629-289-600.png]this.[/url] [/hider] [hider=Impulse][img]https://41.media.tumblr.com/c197a0d06060b4b1f6263e6c2c560166/tumblr_njbmtjBzRu1rdelhno1_1280.png[/img] Name: Rowan Iris Crock Alias: Impulse Age: 14 Gender: Female Abilities/Skills: Rowan can speak both English, and some Vietnamese. She's also skilled at gymnastics, and has high intelligence for her age. Powers: Rowan has only touched the tips of her speedster abilities. After all, she's never had proper training. Though she was born with her gift, it's never completely set in. She practices mostly on her own time, but is very capable... if only someone would properly teach her. Superhuman speed - Rowan is extremely fast on her feet, definitely more than her sister, but considerably less than her cousin or mentor. This could be because she hasn't yet unlocked her potential, however, she just believes she's naturally 'slow.' Accelerated healing, superhuman endurance & reflexes - Rowan can heal much faster than a normal human. She could get hurt one day and be fine a day or two after, maybe even a few hours after. She can also easily take a beating and still get up and be fine, but still, too much will weaken her. Naturally, she's able to move very quickly, and dodge attacks. Weaknesses: Her quick metabolism is a weakness; if without food for over twenty-four hours, she loses energy and cannot run. She can also die from anything a human can, even if she's more durable. Equipment: Her costume, which can change to stealth mode and has goggles. Also, her compartments in her wrists to store food. Personality: Though she has a lot of energy, Rowan is generally more calm than her other speedster relatives. However, if you get her going, she's going - and won't stop. Rowan could talk for hours if you allow her to, and when she does it's often fast and barely understandable. She has a tendency to overreact when she's under stress, and isn't the best at handling pressure. Even if she's often so clumsy and clueless it's hard to tell, she's very smart, especially in the science fields, mostly chemistry and biology. Sometimes, Rowan will have phases where she is moody and irritable, and often sarcastic, not like she isn't ordinarily. History: (will write up later) Other: [url=http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/024/b/6/female_flash_by_vinnieyy-d5skxx0.jpg]Costume.[/url] She just threw it together. [/hider] [hider=Speedy][img]https://41.media.tumblr.com/713ea2e76ac1777c76fa58bd0af8e134/tumblr_njcecoSUWw1rdelhno7_540.jpg[/img] Name: Asher "Ash" Walter Crock Alias: Speedy Age: 16 Gender: Male Abilities/Skills: He has above average speed, endurance, agility and strength. Ash is an excellent marksman, and has trained himself to be ambidextrous so he could use his bow with both hands. He is good at parkour and martial arts. He can speak English and Vietnamese. Powers: None. Weaknesses: If a human can die from something, so can he. He is completely human; injury, sickness, and anything under the moon can weaken or kill him. Equipment: Bow and arrows - it can fold and snap back when he needs it, so it can be concealed. He has many different trick arrows, along with normal arrows. He also has a crossbow, as well as stealth technology. Personality: Ash is a little bit... arrogant. He often jokes around a lot, flirts with girls, and seems to care for little except himself. In fact, nearly his whole life, Ash has almost always been his own priority aside from his sisters. He just doesn't really work all that well in a team, since he's always had the mindset to look after himself. That's what his mother had told them, make sure to always look out for yourself. Still, this doesn't always apply to people he knows. If he's quite attached to someone, he'll often risk his life before he'd see them lose theirs. Family and close friends are his priority even over himself, and he'd go to the ends of the earth for them. Ash doesn't find it easy to talk about his problems. Instead, he usually keeps to himself. And though he jokes and flirts and acts sarcastic when casual, when he's doing his hero work, he's almost always serious. Still, he will sometimes crack jokes to lighten the mood, though it's not always effective. He is very protective over what's his and won't let anything get in his way of protecting it, whether or not that's a good thing. History: (will write) Other: His costume is much like that of red arrow, besides the fact that it is greys and blacks... he much prefers it. [/hider] [hider=Peregrine][img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/beae5bff86a975d7ff237fecc68f4135/tumblr_njbmtjBzRu1rdelhno7_540.png[/img] Name: Quinn Jade Crock Alias: Peregrine Age: 21 Gender: Female Abilities/Skills: She can speak English, Vietnamese, German and Spanish. Her intellect is above average, and she excels at mathematics. She has trained herself to be ambidextrous. She is excellent at acrobatics and a trained tracker, good at observing and thinking through problems. Powers: Quinn can run faster than a normal human, as well as heal faster, but she does not possess as high of a running ability as the Flashes. She's just a bit above average. Her strength is also more than a normal human, however, not by much. She heals quickly, or at least quicker than normal humans as well. Still, this is at a relatively low level compared to her other family members. It's mostly due to the speedster in her blood. Weaknesses: Anything a human can die from, so can she. Equipment: A bow with various kinds of arrows that can fold an unfold, a crossbow, a few other small gadgets, and explosive pellets. Personality: Much like her younger brother, Quinn has a very independent attitude. She doesn't like to accept help, even if she so badly needs it. She takes pretty much everything seriously, and her siblings often joke that she [i]can't[/i] take a joke; this only proceeds to annoy her more. She's very easily annoyed, and prone to arguing. She doesn't get along well with others who don't take things seriously, at least sometimes. Her younger sister can occasionally be an exception to this. Quinn will do anything to get her job done, even if it means compromising other things to do it. She doesn't work that well with a team and never has, so she has always distanced herself from working with others when possible. She doesn't even really want to work on a team or watch over one. Despite all this, Quinn can be compassionate. If someone is truly hurt or upset, she will do her best to comfort them. And though she may seem rather emotionless, sarcastic and cold on the outside, she can be rather kind if she cares for someone. If. She cares for someone. History: (will write) Other: Her costume is much like her mothers, only there is a bird symbol on the chest; it is also instead a blue color, as she wanted to distance herself from 'traditional green'. [/hider] [hider=Kat][img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/264/2/4/24743e8e6b8b0d0ff504bd924c60144c-d5fezzb.jpg[/img] Name: Kat Alias: Kat Age: Unknown, likely a few years. Gender: Female. Abilities/Skills: Her large size, muscle, teeth and claws allow her to be easily lethal. Though an animal, her brain is far more advanced, and she can process thoughts nearly like a human... she is mentally like a pre-teen in her ability to process thought and react to them. Powers: Though it's a secret to many, Kat is a telepath. This was an implant given by the scientists - she can speak through her mind to those she wants to, even if it's only done rarely. Weaknesses: Kat is very afraid of medical/science equipment and fire. She will not get near it. She can also be controlled if the small chip in her brain is hacked into. Equipment: None. Personality: Kat is a fairly quiet and very protective feline. She often lashes out aggressively to anyone or anything that irritates her, despite knowing this isn't appropriate. She's very intelligent for an animal. She can somewhat strategize and process her thoughts at a human level. This also gives her rather human emotions when she lets herself have them, such as joy or sadness. Still, she's mostly feline in nature, and is quite affectionate when she grows an attachment to a person. History: Her whole life, Kat has been in a lab. In fact, she was born in one. People were doing animal testing, seeing what they could give animals in order to make them more powerful and controllable, seeing if they could weaponize them. They decided to interbreed tigers and lions to make an even bigger, stronger species. When Kat was born, she was the only one of her litter, but a very large and strong feline. They grew and trained her, and when she was an adolescent they put a chip in her brain in order to control her thoughts and actions, hence the 'weapon' part of the deal. When the group found them, they disabled the computer that was controlling her chip and though some parts of it still worked, she was able to stop following commands from her masters. Other: [/hider] [hider=Martian Boy][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/65/6a/83/656a8317a7226a055f39827b585a34ed.jpg[/img] Name: M'Att M'orzz Alias: Martian Boy Age: About 16, physically. Gender: Male Abilities/Skills: Hand-to-hand combat and telepathy are some skills he possesses. Powers: Shape shifting - he can completely change his physical appearance. It can be human or humanoid. He finds turning into girls a little challenging, but he can usually do it with focus. It also gives him quicker healing than normal. Camouflage - He is not completely invisible, but can change the color of his body to fit his surroundings. If he had a bioship, he could also do this. His strength is above a normal humans since he is a martian. He also has density shifting, but is cautious about using this ability in case it goes wrong. He's much more durable than a human. Telepathy - he can speak to people through their mind. He can also link up others' minds so they can all speak in this manner. He sometimes forgets he shouldn't do this. He has the capability to control others through this, but chooses not to most of the time... it doesn't feel right. He can translate any language, but mostly speaks martian and english. He has telekinesis, but can easily lose control of it if he isn't focused. He can use this telekinesis to fly. Weaknesses: Fire, extreme pressure. Equipment: Bioship - he was given his mothers bioship to use, as she no longer needs it. Personality: Matt is a lot more... quiet, than his mother. He isn't nearly as outgoing, in fact he's rather cautious. Still, he's very polite and quite fascinated with humans and wildlife, and makes an effort to be a nice person, even if he's quite clueless a lot of the time... not to mention clumsy. He tries to be focused during important matters, but he admittedly has a bit of an attention problem... It's hard for him to stay focused on one task, even very simple ones. History: Megan eventually grew weary of earth and traveled back home to Mars. When she did so, she met a nice Martian Man and with him had a child; her son, M'att. Eventually, thanks to her uncle, M'Gann had received word from earth that they were in dire need of help in the league, and so she had taken it upon herself to return to earth and brought her son along with her. Though he had good control over his powers as he was taught by his mother, his knowledge of earth was very limited. Nevertheless, his mother thought it a good idea to team him up with a few other young heroes; it would make him more outgoing, and it was the perfect way to help him get more accustomed to earth. Other: Matt's costume can be anything he wants it to be - he can shape-shift, after all, and his clothes are organic.[/hider] [hider=Backstory] The first born of the Crock children was Quinn; Shortly after Wally's death, Artemis had started feeling rather... ill. After taking a series of tests, despite her denial, she had indeed fallen pregnant. And since she was solely convinced her boyfriend had passed away, she hadn't a clue what to do. However, with support from family members of both her and Wally as well as friends, the baby girl was born without complications. Artemis had decided the name Quinn to be befitting of the blonde haired, green-eyed baby girl, and so she was named. With some funds from Dick, she was able to buy a nice house to raise her child in. Eventually she 'retired' from her hero work in favor of caring for her child. After a while, when Quinn was four or so, she decided maybe it was time to move on... and so she met a man with whom she fell in love. The two moved in together and Artemis had fallen pregnant a second time; this time to a boy, which they had decided to name Asher. And while through her pregnancy, her boyfriend seemed supportive--even enthusiastic--after the baby was born, well... The two began to argue. He left one night and didn't return, leaving Artemis with two children to care for. Things became stable in her life again and Asher grew to be a few years old. When he did, Artemis realized that she still really did miss Wally, and it left her with some kind of void; they had made a plan B before he had died. Just in case, for both of them... And so Artemis became pregnant with her third baby, this time another girl... and another child of Wally. This one looked much more like him than Quinn, and it seemed to satisfy her for the time being. As her children grew, she realized more and more how dangerous it really was for them... Especially since the league had asked her to assist on missions again. So, she began to train them. Quinn was trained more vigorously than her son, as she seemed much more interested. She had taken on the identity of Peregrine, and had begun to sneak out to do hero work against her mother's orders. Ash, however, was a bit different. He liked independence, but preferred to work alongside his mother during missions, at least for a while. Still, once he'd become a teenager he wanted his independence, and so he and his sister occasionally worked together. But, he preferred to work alone, and so he took on the identity of Speedy. Then, there was Rowan... She seemed reckless, and though Artemis trained her, she was very cautious about what she could do. She was rarely allowed on missions, and despite the fact that she had clearly taken after her father as far as powers went, Artemis kept her mostly a secret... besides a few small meetings with Bart on occasion. She was in no way meeting her potential, but as far as Artemis was concerned, she was better off and safer this way. Rowan wasn't happy about it, but she accepted it... even if she tried training herself from the eyes of her mother. Quinn eventually was offered a spot on the league, and though she seriously debated it, she eventually rejected the idea. When Dick formed the second Young Justice, he went right to Artemis in hopes to recruit ash - though she was skeptical of his involvement, he surprisingly agreed quite enthusiastically. Artemis still occasionally works missions for the league, but mostly stays at home or works her normal job. And as for Rowan, well, she lives like any teenager would; any teenager with speedster abilities and superhero relatives, anyways. [/hider]