Alexis stopped and heaved to catch her breath, clentching on the nearby lamppost for support. People passed by her without as much as a glance, except maybe one for her unmistakably bright hair. She expected as much, and was rather happy to be of only minor note. Her stomach began to audibly protest. She would more than love to oblige but she was sure of where, she'd never stepped foot in this town before afterall. She untied her hoodie from her waist and started to carefully put it back on. Despite her best efforts it still brushed against her burnt skin causing her to wince and curse. "Damn," she said with a sharp inhalation. As she brought her head through the collar she heard a loud ruckus from an allyway just across the road. She let her hair fall on her shoulders as she spotted a rather built man despite his small size. His skin was dirty and his hair short and dark red, almost crimson in nature. His clothes were of heavy material that reminded her of some kind of gang member. It didn't help he emerged to the street looking around as if searching for something. Alex wanted no part of this. As his gaze swept in her direction she quickly turned away and started walking hoping to find some kind of shop to ask directions in. Her stomach growled again but her heart raced. Had she stumbled into somewhere worse than the wastelands? Was she better off out there? A small sign caught her attention and she quickly dipped inside. Knicknacks of all sorts lined the shelves, but they held no interest to her. She approached an attendant. "Excuse me, sir. Do you know of a place nearby I could get something to eat?" The older man nodded and scratched his scruff for a moment, "Mrs Stewert has some good chow. Just up the street on your right." She gave the man a small smile, "Thank you kindly, sir." "Anytime lil missy." With that she left, still looking out for any shady types that might be around. She found the home with no trouble. Unsure if to knock or walk in she knocked and awaited an answer.