[b]MOUNT FUJI 11:15 AM[/b] "Mr. Balfourt! Mr Balfourt!" Before Terence could reply, Tekishi had already practically dragged him back to the tent and pushed him down onto the stool. "What is-" On the screen in front of the geologist, the calm, straight line from Saturday and Sunday had erupted into an abrupt flurry of violent jolts. It was updating real time, getting louder and more intense by the second. "Abnormal." Terence looked at the screen for a full twenty seconds, then turned to Tekishi, who was nearly hyperventilating with excitement. "Very abnormal. What do you think this is?" Before Tekishi could reply, Karoto burst into the tent. The cigarette had finally fallen from his lips, sweat forming on his furiously wrinkled brow. The sound of falling equipment and bewildered shouts could be heard from outside. "Take cover! There's been an earthquake-" Suddenly, all three men were thrown to the ground by a violent shock. The line on the PC was most literally jolting out of the screen by now. Terence involuntarily grabbed onto the side of the table to pull himself up. [b]TOKYO-FUJI RAILWAY 12:00 AM[/b] "Relax, Mr. Balfourt. That computer hit you hard." The first thing that Terence felt was a bandage. When he looked at his hand, he saw a faint coating of blood. He steeled himself. He had felt worse in Afghanistan. He then felt his head resting against soft leather. With further inspection, he saw Tekishi sitting down by his side. He then felt a strange moving sensation. "Tekishi... are we on a train?" "A Maglev, to be exact, Mr. Balfourt." The young man smiled to himself at his vast store of knowledge. "We are travelling at about four hundred and eighty kilometers an hour." Terence suddenly became very aware of his surroundings. He turned to his right, and saw the blurring Japanese countryside speed by, and the nervous din of other passengers. When he turned to his left, he realized that every single seat in the train was occupied. "Hold still, Mr. Balfourt." Tekishi was dabbing his forehad with pufts of cotton stained with iodine. "Where'd you get that?" "From the car, Mr Balfourt." "Where are Karoto and the others?" "Travelling in a convoy with the equipment on the road to Tokyo. Our car broke down at the last second, and Karoto suggested the train." "Ah." Terence rested his head back again. This could turn out to be an ordinary day, after all. Suddenly, he took notice of the TV at the front of the aisle playing a live FNN broadcast. Terence looked on, intrigued, as a freakish robot bird methodically ripped apart an entire block of skyline in downtown Kobe. "...Tekishi, what was the cause of the sudden seismic activity?" Tekishi silently indicated the TV again with his eyes. Terence looked on in horror at the recorded footage of the giant spider erupting out of the mountain, dangerously close to the dig site. "So it [i]was[/i] a kaiju-" Terence was interrupted with a dull thump on the front seat and the feeling of the train reversing. Terence felt a riveting pain explode in his brain, and there wasn't much he could do to keep from groaning in pain. Tekishi swiftly pulled him back to his position and got out his kit again. A young conductor came into the room, clearly terrified but masking it with a brace face. "Ladies and gentlemen, there has been a problem. Part of the track has been... ah, destroyed by the recent tremors, and this train is temporarily stranded until government help comes." Terence covered his ears to stop the immediate uproar and angry din of the passengers. "I want a refund after this trip!" "When will Tokyo send help?" "I'm not waiting forever in here! I have a family to feed!" "Let me out! Let me OUT!" All of a sudden, when Tekishi was just relaxing back in his seat, Terence felt a second lurch. The train was moving forward again. Some of the passengers relaxed, but the conductor looked like he had swallowed poison. He hastily ran back to the front of the train, leaving puddles of sweat in his wake. After a few seconds of confusion, all of the passengers reached a fatal conclusion: the train's engine had malfunctioned, and they were [i]heading towards the destroyed part of the track.[/i] The last thing Terence heard was Tekishi's voice forcing him into the crash position, and the sickening groan of the entire train as his stomach lurched into oblivion.