[b]Leon Gainsbourg[/b] Leon drew a final relaxed breath from his cigarette before throwing the stub away in a convenient nearby ashtray. More and more people flooded into the building in a seeming endless stream. It seems this city has it's fair share of visitors, some he even recognised. There was of course the occasional politcal figurehead, ambassadors and the like, not to mention a veritable ludicrous amount of tourists. Dressed in ridiculous shirts and gawking at everything, he could swear he saw one take a picture of a thrashcan for pete's sake. this meeting had not even started and he felt bored already, strolling around to look at the various photon screens displaying colourful images, asking everyone to gather at the C2 building. It seemed a bit futile to him to ask people to gather at building while they were already there. Powerful ESP'ers his left foot, not much use in forensics if the killer just makes bullets with their mind, if you asked him they only made his job harder. Of course there were some working on their side but all in all, he felt that one couldn't beat old fashioned footwork. His train of thought was interupted as he noticed a familiar sight crossing his path, not someone he knew perosnally but who had, shall we say, garnered quite a reputation for herself. The lovely Miss Delauney, the master thief and general troublemaker in person. He had seen her file with her picture drifting around the DGSE several times, conecting her to several high profile cases. Her file had always been remarkably small though, mostly some footnotes, a description and a photo from her débutante days. The sign of a true professional. Now she would have no reason to know who Leon was, after all besides his rather formal clothing , he was still carrying around his luggage and looked the part of a tourist. So he would be free to follow her around and maybe learn some more about the whole situation, a thief like her didn't come to a city like this without a reason. Combined with the fact that his investigation prior had lead him to the same place, he sincerely doubted this was all a coincidence. he could spy on her to figure out how she was involved. But where would the fun in that be? he was still technically off duty as long as he hadn't had his briefing with the local police chief and information was always best gained straight from the horse's mouth. Besides, he couldn't really call himself a proper french gentleman if he didn't introduce himself to a fellow countryman. So with a carefree smile and relaxed stride he made his way over to her, nodding his head slightly in greeting. "Bonjour mademoiselle, quelle belle matinée, n'est-ce pas? " His demeanour remained relaxed through it all, smile unfading, but his eyes betrayed him. he was watching her closely for any false move. "Much to nice of a morning to be stuck in a place like this, wouldn't you agree, mademoiselle Delauney?" He brushed aside his coat to place his hand in his pocket, making sure his badge marking him as a DGSE agent was briefly visible. Not wanting the situation to dissolve in a fight with all these bystanders around, he tried to keep everything civil and clear. " Not to worry miss, I'm off duty, just enjoying the sights like all of us. But I can't help but wonder, what a world renowned thief such as yourself would do in a place such as this? " Leon suddenly straightened as if he just remembered something before spreading his hand on his chest in an apologetic manner. "Ah, mais comme je suis bête, how foolish of me, I haven't introduced myself. My name is Leon Gainsbourgh, but please, call me Leon. " He paused for just a moment to gauge her reaction before continueing. "I'm not here for you miss Delauney, I had just hoped that you with your connections and experiences in the more seedier parts of the world would be willing to help in a murder investigation. The killer seems to focus on beautiful young ladies such as yourself, a shame really. You wouldn't happened to have heard of anything like that, have you?"