The 'invitation' for the C2 building event happened just while Jason was drying out his hair, after taking a hot shower. He turned off the dryer and peeled his eyes at the 40 inch TV, which would probably cost a fortune. What captivated his attention during the broadcast was the fact that the announcer specified foreigners, hinting that tourists the likes of him were of some importance for whatever was happening in that building. [color=SlateGray]"I should work on my timing"[/color], he exclaimed under his breath, rubbing his hair 'till they got very messy and then parting them slightly to the left, not bothering to use a comb. Wearing nothing but his boxers, he made his way to his luggage and unpacked some of his items, including his gun which he was planning to carry with him to the event in case he'd be assaulted by another toddler. After a brief fashion dilemma, characterized by Jason stroking his hairless chin, he finally went on with a pair of skin tight jeans, his favorite, a brown leather jacket and a white t-shirt with black stripes. Upon making his way out of the enormous hotel, he hailed a cab while in the sidewalk in front of the Red Dragon Resort. Tian Jin was a pretty dense place, so getting a cab wasn't much of a bother. The C2 Building wasn't far either, taking about 10 minutes for the cab to reach there. Tipping the cab driver and opening the door, he stood in front of the C2 Building entrance for a moment or so, observing all the tourists and the natives causing an uproar around the place, creating a very heavy atmosphere. [color=SlateGray]"This better be good."[/color], Jason muttered to himself yet again, taking his first steps inside the building.